@Becfromthedead group
(I'm back guys!)
(I'm back guys!)
Eira hummed quietly to herself as she tended to some of the vegetables and fruits and the more deadlier plants like hemlock, nightshade and oleander.
"Hey, Eira," Zhavia said softly hoping not to scare her. She was careful not to touch any of the plants because you can't be too careful. And plants weren't her specialty
Cyrus wandered into the greenhouse to grab some herbs for the infirmary when he saw Zhavia and Eira both standing there. He kept to himself, assuming they didn't want to be bothered and knowing that he had business to attend to.
Luna laughed slightly as she pulled Zoe away. She sat next to her on the bed, "Oh my gosh. That was difficult. Want some actual good food?"
(Im sorry, I had to play a really uncomfortable game of hide and seek.)
"Oh yes please." Zoe exclaimed as she wipped tears from her eyes.
Eira still jumped a little even though Zhavia hadn’t spoken loudly, “Oh, hey Zhavia, what’s up?” She said, pooring some water on the nightshade.
(It's good.)
Luna reached under the bed and grabbed some of the good snacks. She handed the more filling ones to Zoe while eating the less filling ones herself, "Thank God I hid these here."
"Are you the one who takes care of the plants?" Zhavia goes to touch one but pulls back. They were all very beautiful.
(It's good.)
Luna reached under the bed and grabbed some of the good snacks. She handed the more filling ones to Zoe while eating the less filling ones herself, "Thank God I hid these here."
"Thanks." Zoe thanked her before ravenously eatting them. "Now where shall we hide this unrulely evidence?" Zoe asked.
"Are you the one who takes care of the plants?" Zhavia goes to touch one but pulls back. They were all very beautiful.
”Occasionally, yes. You can touch the nightshade but just don’t eat them…” She said, smiling a little.
Cyrus could not help overhearing Zhavia and Eira, but he was still silent, almost lurking in the background. He looked around for the chamomile. The plant should've stuck out at him, but he felt distracted.
Zhavia smiled and rubbed her finger on one of the leaves, it was soft. "Are you good with poison?" Zhavia had always wanted to know how to make poison, the silent way to kill someone.
Eira hummed a little, “Eh, kinda. Hemlock is that one,” She said pointing, “That is English Yew, extremely poisonous, and thats Rhododendron and Azalea…”
(It's good.)
Luna reached under the bed and grabbed some of the good snacks. She handed the more filling ones to Zoe while eating the less filling ones herself, "Thank God I hid these here."
"Thanks." Zoe thanked her before ravenously eatting them. "Now where shall we hide this unrulely evidence?" Zoe asked.
Luna shrugged as she finished up. She looked around Zoe's room, "We could try to sneak into the kitchen and get rid of them there. Or we could hide it back under the bed."
Zhavia took a good look at all of the ones Eira pointed out. She would like to know more poison had always interested her. "Hey, um, when do you think we should tell the others about you know" She paused lowering her voice "The chips"
Cyrus heard Zhavia, even though she had whispered. He gasped and dropped everything he was holding.
Eira stopped watering and braced her hands on he side of the plant bed, “I don’t know…” She said, quietly, then she heard a bang, “Who’s there?” She asked.
Zhavia jumped at the sound and looked around "That wasn't just me right?" She saw in the corner a figure, but couldn't make out who it was.
“No, it wasn’t you, who is it?” She asked again.
"I can't see them all that well, but they're tall." How come they weren't moving "DO ou think it could be a spy again?"
"Ah, sorry. Just me," Cyrus replied meekly. He stooped over to clean up his mess.
“Oh, Cy… why were you hiding?” Eira asked, walking over to help clean up the mess.
"Ah, that scared me" Zhavia laughed. She was worried he may have heard, but maybe he didn't. She looked over to Eira. She knew the both of them were close but she hadn't spent enough time with him to trust him like she trusts Eira.
"I didn't mean to hide, necessarily. I just didn't want to intrude while the two of you were talking," Cyrus explained, "I was just here to collect some herbs for the infirmary. Someone had asked me to."
“Ah, well, for a start those herbs are over there,” Eira said, pointing, “And second how much did you here?”
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