Luna grabbed one of her knives and followed her in. She already knew she would win based off of Zoe's fatigue. This was just a way of getting her to take care of herself, "To first blood?"
Luna grabbed one of her knives and followed her in. She already knew she would win based off of Zoe's fatigue. This was just a way of getting her to take care of herself, "To first blood?"
"Blood or yeild." Zoe replied as she was now alert and ready after nights of no sleep and full of training.
Luna nodded and stared at her sternly. She wasn't going to move first. Zoe would have to.
Alexander heads into the rafters and crawls to to ranged target practice with his new crossbow.
Ryker finished the test and landed on Sparrows arm shrieking. Sparrow laughed and gave him a small price of meat. She took him to another area where there were many high platforms. She whistles and he went to the highest one, waiting. She whistled again and threw up a few pieces of meat and watched him screech and grab all 4 if them in under 15 seconds
Zoe chuckled as she leaned against the ropes. "Waiting for me to make my firstmove i see. I've taught you well."
Alexander attempts to fire his wrist mounted cross bow and loads a small explosive bolt. as the bolt hits the dummy, the bolt explodes in a ball of fire and causes a loud BOOM he then rushes to the main room "Do not worry, that explosion was intentional, i was testing out a new crossbow bolt…"
“Oh, can I see?” Eira asked.
Alexander pulls up his sleeve showing the wrist mounted crossbow "follow me." be brings Eira to the shooting range and shows them the exploded dummy.
“Cool.” She said examining the crossbow.
Zoe chuckled as she leaned against the ropes. "Waiting for me to make my firstmove i see. I've taught you well."
Luna smiled as she allowed herself to look relaxed, "Of course you have. Otherwise I would have found someone else to teach me."
"sadly this used all the parts i had collected… as for the bolts i can make those for regular crossbows as well." Alexander removes the crossbow and offered it to Eria "you can test it out if you want…"
“Can I? Thanks.” She placed it on her wrist and aimed at a dummy, firing and hitting the mark, “Dude, that’s amazing!”
Alexander was pleased that someone thought his invention was useful "if i can find more parts i should be able to make more."
“Nice, you can come by my workshop and grabs some parts of you need them.”
"i will, that is if you have the parts to spare."
“Tones, always nice to help a fellow designer out.” She said grinning.
"again thank you… i'll get working on another as soon as possible." he smiled as he rushed off and grabbed only as many parts as he needed and began to work on another
Eira sighed and went back to her place on the floor and kept designing.
Zoe chuckled as she leaned against the ropes. "Waiting for me to make my firstmove i see. I've taught you well."
Luna smiled as she allowed herself to look relaxed, "Of course you have. Otherwise I would have found someone else to teach me."
Zoe sighed before she made an unexpected move. She thrusted her legs out making Luna fall to the floor before grabbing the knife out of her hands and backing away.
Luna got up quickly as she scowled at Zoe. She didn’t see that coming and now she was unarmed. She started moving slowly around the ring.
A small smile appeared on her lips as she threw the knife out of the arena. "Aah sorry bout that, it slipped." She teased as she also circled the ring.
Luna glared at her. She reached into her boot and puled out a second one smirking, “Not against the rules since my other one isn’t in the ring.”
(Ahhh I cannot wait to see it!)
(I want you to mentally prepare yourself.)
Zoe gave an innocent shrug. "Well at least I tried." She said before she ran at her and slid in between her legs and grabbing her collar before throwing her across the ring. "Nothing personal!"
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