@IcarusFightsTheSun book
@broken-hearted-bear yooooooooooooooooo
@broken-hearted-bear yooooooooooooooooo
(Ayooooooooooooooooooooo wassup, lemme get mah character rq.)
(i have to figure out which of my characters isn't too eccentric to be in a functioning rp lol)
(oof lol, anyway here she is.)
Name: Brie (Kurushii) Dailey
Age: 18 (or 21, depending on the age range)
Gender: female (she/ her)
Height: 5' 8"
Appearance: Character Pic
Personality: She is basically a good person to be around. She is decently talkative and bubbly although her mouth is sometimes ahead of her brain, causing her to stumble on her words, say things in the worst ways, etc. She tends to daydream a lot and can be dramatic occasionally. She can become very emotional as well, but she is semi-okay at surpressing it.
Other: She can control other people's physical pain and internal organs. She was rejected from many heroic powered groups because her power wasn't exactly "helpful" for anything or they already had enough people. However, she has been sharpening her powers by herself, and only uses them for personal purposes like self defense. She has considered joining the villains or becoming one just to spite the heroes but tucked the idea away, already satisfied with her normal life as a barista at a local coffee shop.
She occasionally tries to compose music for fun and loves to listen to classical music of all kinds all of the time. (And other music, although classical and jazz is her favorite.) She is an occasional vocalist/ pianist.
She is not interested in getting a romantic partner or having kids, knowing that would pull her back from her normal life.
(le gasp! i gots someone for her! 1 sec.)
(aight, can't wait! ;D)
name: léttari zam
age: 20
gender: unknown (he/him mostly? idk)
height: 5,8
appearance: straight middle length light grey hair, Dark violet eyes, pale white skin, claw-like scars running down his neck.
Personality: stubborn, determined, tries their best to seem like an evil stone-cold villain but is really too nice to do anything that bad (cinnamon bun), extremely vengeful but has a strong sense of justice.
other: loves; disguises, sweets, plaid and explosions.
hates; unfairness, seagulls, yellow and bow drills :)
backstory: (mostly undecided, but) they've been on the side of villains for at least three years and are out for revenge.
(this guy is a wip sorry, i'll update this every once in a while.)
(that's all i have for now, also what do you think about making it a kinda mha world copy and paste to make it a bit easier?)
(danggg, he's cool. And sure (although tbh i've never watched mha lol) wanna start?)
(sry i can't start today, it's 1:20 am here and im gonna see if i can get at least 4hours sleep, see ya tomorrow)
(also turns out his character sheet was only half full cuz came up with ideas for him and never wrote them down lol)
(dont worry about it! start whenever you want to kk! cya!)
lettari went back to the coffee shop for the third time that day. after ordering his usual muffin and coffee with an unholy amount of sugar, he waited at a table in the very back and kept his eyes on the door. something was going to happen, he couldn't explain how he knew, it was just a feeling they had sometimes, and and naturally he wasn't going to let something bad happen to the local businesses, plus this was his favorite shop anyway.
(btw, what do u think we should name the thread?)
(idk, tbh…)
(i'll just put up somethin', might change it later)
Brie was working her usual shift with her colleagues at the coffee shop. There was a decent number of customers at the place, so it was decently busy. She couldn't help but notice each person sitting down, some working on their laptops, some reading books, some with their young children, some romancing, and others just enjoying the ambience. Yep, this was a relatively good day.
She glanced over at one of the customers though, eyes fixed on the door. Brie looked at the door as well, what was he looking for? She got on to working on an order, a little worried about something happening.
(kk, that's cool.)
(Hey, sry. I didn’t realize you replied 😅)
(Its alright, lol.)
he kept watching for the next 5 minutes, but just as he took a sip of his coffee an explosion hit a few buildings down the street and he nearly choked on his overly sweetened beverage. He started walking towards the exit to make sure no one got hurt, but then stopped, and he turned to go back to his seat, 'helping people in need isn't very villainous, idiot!' he thought to himself, but he couldn't quite bring himself to just ignore it, so with a heavy sigh he turned back around and marched out the door, 'im not being a good person. im not being heroic. im simply off to help the bad guys with a clean getaway, yeah, that's it.
Brie almost went back to working before she checked the clock. Finally… She clocked off, grabbed her stuff, and left the shop. She had planned to leave early, given it was a Saturday.
The young barista hadn't even walked five steps away from the shop before she heard the explosion hit. A little shook, Brie stood still for a second before shrugging it off. It'll be
fine. Some superhero is gonna help them anyway.
Her ears also picked up the sound off footsteps directly behind her, making her turn around and briefly lock eyes with a dude around her age. She mustered a kind smile, "Hey, you heading over there?" Brie could already notice the smoke rising from the building.
he didn't notice the girl, apparently, right in front of him, "pardon? o-oh, i mean, yes." he said, a bit startled, "yeah, im heading there now. you know, gotta… make sure no one's hurt.. and stuff." he didn't know what to say, and was desperately thinking of some excuse no one would question.
"Oh, well… uh… is it okay if i tag along with you? Y'know, I'm also kinda curious about what happened there." Brie rubbed the back of her neck anxiously and kept the kind smile on her face.
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