forum The Hero and The Villain (Closed)
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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He nodded a little, letting Caleb's touches relax and sooth him, calming his beating heart, "I wish I didn't have powers. They hurt so much."


He looked up at Caleb with a small nod, "I know.. but… what if-" He bit his lip, "What if one day I- I have an attack and- and you're not there?"


“Then you’ll just have to remember what I’ve said before. You just have to take deep breaths and focus.” He kissed his forehead. “You know what I think? I think you’re stronger than you realize.”


Kyle pouted a little, fiddling with a loose thread on Caleb’s shirt, “I dunno about that…” He mumbled, “Caleb? What if I have an attack and I don’t…”


Kyle curled back up against Caleb, tucking himself away into the other's side. He was safe, everything was okay, they were going to be okay.


Caleb hummed softly to help Kyle relax, running his fingers through Kyle’s hair. He would wait for Kyle to fall asleep before he’d let himself drift off. He wanted to make sure Kyle would be okay. After everything Kyle had done for him in the past 24 hours, this was the least Caleb could do to show his gratitude.


Kyle pressed himself up against Caleb as much as he could, craving the comfort and the warmth he gave off. It was a few minutes before he was able to drift off peacefully.