The morning came with little other interruptions. In fact none at all. Kyle did stir once but he didn't wake and just snuggled closer to Caleb.
The morning came with little other interruptions. In fact none at all. Kyle did stir once but he didn't wake and just snuggled closer to Caleb.
When Caleb did wake up it was probably around 10 am. He yawned widely before looking over to see how Kyle was doing.
Kyle was still fast asleep, hidden in the sweater he was wearing and his hair had fallen across his face. It seemed like the attack had taken more out of him then he had thought.
He smiled a bit, planting a gentle kiss on top of Kyle’s head. He felt terrible that Kyle was having to go through all of this, and hoped they’d find someway to make it better soon.
When Caleb moved Kyle whined softly, reaching out an arm to try and bring Caleb closer again. He was slowly starting to wake up.
Caleb’s smile widened and he let Kyle pull him in, planting more soft kisses on his face to help him wake up.
After a moment or two, Kyle's eyes started to blink open. He was still half asleep but he still managed to blush at the kisses.
“Good morning handsome.” He hummed out, planting one last kiss before sitting up.
Kyle whined when Caleb moved away, making grabbing hands at him, “Nuh come backkkk, you’re warm.”
“Okay okay I’m sorry.” He moved back into Kyle’s arms with a smile. “I’m right here.”
Kyle sighed happily, pressing his face into Caleb's chest, "Good. I don't want you to leave just yet."
Caleb kissed the top of his head. “I would never just leave without telling you first. Never. I mean it.”
He hummed softly, nodding a little, "I know… I know." He pressed as close as he could to Caleb, savouring the warmth before they would, eventually, have to get up.
Caleb kept planting more kisses on Kyle every few seconds. “I love you so much. So so much. More than anything.”
Kyle giggled softly at the kisses, batting Caleb away, “H-Hey! Stop that it tickles.”
“No! Suffer through my affection.” He didn’t stop with the kisses.
Kyle laughed, smiling as he tried to roll away, "This is so unfair!"
“Yup. Deal with it. Hey! No escaping either.” He put his arm down so Kyle couldn’t roll away.
Kyle whined, fake pouting up at Caleb as he gave in to defeat, "This is so unfair. You're bigger then me how is this a fair fight?"
“It’s not a fair fight that’s the whole point.” He planted one last kiss on the tip of Kyle’s nose. But instead of getting off of him and letting him go free, he lay down right on top of Kyle. “Haha, no escaping for you.”
Kyle groaned, "This is rude Caleb. I'm only small and like half your weight you're squishing me!"
He almost seemed to giggle in response. “I know. It’s cuz I love you too much to be away from you.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to squish me! Why can’t I just sit in your lap or something?” He replied, trying to push Caleb off him.
“Did you say something? I’m suddenly getting very tired oh no.” He closed his eyes and started fake snoring, his head on Kyle’s chest.
Kyle groaned loudly, letting out an exasperated sigh, “Get off me you oaf! I can’t breathe with your fat ass on top of me.”
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