forum The Hero and The Villain (Closed)
Started by @Max_Miracle_DroppedMostOfTheirRPs

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The morning came with little other interruptions. In fact none at all. Kyle did stir once but he didn't wake and just snuggled closer to Caleb.


Kyle was still fast asleep, hidden in the sweater he was wearing and his hair had fallen across his face. It seemed like the attack had taken more out of him then he had thought.


He hummed softly, nodding a little, "I know… I know." He pressed as close as he could to Caleb, savouring the warmth before they would, eventually, have to get up.


“It’s not a fair fight that’s the whole point.” He planted one last kiss on the tip of Kyle’s nose. But instead of getting off of him and letting him go free, he lay down right on top of Kyle. “Haha, no escaping for you.”


“That doesn’t mean you have to squish me! Why can’t I just sit in your lap or something?” He replied, trying to push Caleb off him.