forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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He hummed softly and tucked him safely beneath his chin. "I love you too, Nath." he whispered, pulling the blanket over him and snuggling into all the warmth. "is there anything you want to do before we go to uriell's or do you just want to snuggle?"


"Snuggles…" He mumbled sleepily. "Give me your waaaarm…" He huddled close and kept purring happily. "I want the waaaaaaaarm…"


"Alright Darling, you can have snuggles and warmth." he kissed his head and hugged him close "do you not retain warmth or something? or do you just like it when someone holds you?"


"Probably a bit of both…" He hummed softly. "You know how much I love being held, but I'm also always cold… bad blood circulation and very little body fat, y'know?"


"Makes sense." V nodded and nudged his head against Nathaniel "My poor angel. I'll be happy to provide you with as much warmth as you want." he kissed him gently and started to hum softly


Nathaniel stuck his tongue out playfully. "Thaaaanks… I want all of it… all the warm…" He mumbled.


He laughed softly, lifting his gaze to his beloved angel's. "I'm yours love, all yours." he murmured, cuddling him close and wrapping his wing over him


Nathaniel purred softly, seeming satisfied for now. "I love youuuu…" He nuzzled against V's cheek, grinning.


"I love you more, darling." he pressed a kiss to his lips and nuzzled back affectionately, lightly tracing Nathaniel's back and wings


"Noooo… I do." Nathaniel purred louder when V started petting him. His wings fluttered a bit as he trilled contentedly.


Nathaniel stuck his tongue out playfully. "Well, I guess that sucks, because I love you more."


"But I wanna love you more!" V protested playfully, brushing aside Nathaniel's hair from his face and kissing his nose


"Nope. Not allowed." Nathaniel laughed and returned the kisses, his wings fluttering again. "I love you so much that there's no way you could love me more."


"Then can I at least come close? when you put it that way it maes it sound like I don't love you at all which is very untrue. "he kissed his cheeks and looked up at Nathaniel pleadingly "and you call me mean," he pouted


"I know you love me, but you just tease me so much." Nathaniel whined and pouted playfully. "You just wanna see me blush."


V shifted so that he was close to nathaniel, gently cupping his cheek and speaking softly "my love, my angel, you don't seem to understand. I like seeing you blush, especially when it's me causing that. You don't know how beautiful you look when you do that. you don't know how happy that makes me feel when I can love you so much that you became speechless." he kissed him tenderly, his soft lips brushing against the other's in a light rhythm. His eyes fluttered shut at the sensation that washed over him, much lie every time he was near his beloved.


Nathaniel flushed red and was stalled for a few seconds. Once he gathered himself, he buried his face in V's shoulder and whined softly. "L-Love…" He whispered. "I… um…" He stammered, not sure where the sentence was going.


“Hm?” He smiled softly and hugged Nathaniel close, his wing fluttering to warm his angel “it’s alright darling angel.” He kissed his head and nuzzled into his fluffy hair


Nathaniel whined again, the soft noise rather muffled. He wrapped his arms around V's neck and clung tightly to him.


With a small laugh, V hooked Nathaniel’s lest higher up on his chest so that he was more comfortable “there, is that better?” He smiled adoringly at Nathaniel and nudged his head against his neck, pressing small kisses to his exposed skin


"Mhmmm…" Nathaniel purred softly and nestled himself up against V to be as warm and comfortable as possible. "I love you, V…"


“I love you too, Nathaniel.” He whispered in reply against his skin, tilting his head slightly to nip and the tender part on his neck.


Nathaniel flushed red and drew up his shoulders instinctively, whining again. "V…" He whined, his wings fluffing up.


V pouted softly and looked up at Nathaniel, reaching up a hand to cradle his head “Yes my love?” He smirked knowingly, pressing a kiss to Nathaniel’s cheek “you’re absolutely gorgeous, darling.”