forum I really want an OXO right now
Started by @Painted-Iris group

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“Oh, really? I’m not sorry? And what gave that away?” Jesse asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “So maybe I am a petulant child, but at least I’m not a petulant child playing dictator. You think that you can squash the uprising just by making an example of me?” Jesse laughed, even as he panicked internally. “I’ll become a martyr. And one day, when you finally get knocked off of your pedestal, you’ll remember this moment and wish you had listened to me.”

Jesse was glad that Silvano was not standing close enough to hear his heart racing. He licked his lips, one of his nervous habits (though luckily no one realized it was a nervous habit).

@Painted-Iris group

Silvano stood still for a moment, even the Guarde becoming a bit stiff. Silence was never good from their king. The tension was broken with a harsh laugh. "Oh, you misunderstand me. I am not going to kill you. I have something else in mind," he said, turning on his heel. He no longer had any interest in conversing with someone beneath him. At least at the moment. Something about how witty the other boy was trying to be lingered in his mind. "Guards, take him up to the castle. I am finished here," he stated with a bored wave of his hand. Oh, this was going to be an interesting ride.
The two holding Jesse did just that and took the struggling boy up towards the intimidating building Silvano called home. Upon entering, they did not stop at the dungeon. No, he was taken to nicer quarters, but not quite comforting. The lock was outside the room and not inside. The bed was a twin with a blue comforter and several pillows. The room also held a desk, a bookshelf, a small wooden wardrobe and a bathroom including a tub and shower.. There was also a thin window, but too small for anyone to fit out of. He would need to wait here.


Confusion swirled in Jesse’s head. What the hell was this? He was relieved that Silvano wouldn’t kill him, of course, but this turn of events gave him an unsettled feeling. At least death was quick. This, whatever it was, would definitely not be. His cell looked comfortable, but it was a cell, and that would drive Jesse crazy. His odds of being to sleep at all were low. He almost would have slept better in a metal cell than this soft, normal-looking bed. He tried to come up with some sort of plan as he was hauled there.

“Hey guys, what’s up with this?” Jesse asked, with a smile still on his face despite his utter confusion and terror. He would not the guards see how scared he was. “You’re just gonna leave me here? I thought we were friends!”

@Painted-Iris group

One of the guards rolled their eyes as both people walked out of the room. The door was locked behind them, sending an echo through the room.

Silvano hummed to himself as he watched the town from one of the balconies.
"Sir, the prisoner is in his room," he heard a voice say from behind him. Normally, it wouldn't bother Silvano in the slightest to hear the word prisoner. That person deserved punishment. It made him curious as to why he felt something at the word considering that boy. Maybe it was because his sentence wasn't as easy as jailing someone. The room the other was in was like a well accommodated cell though. Rather than saying anything more, Silvano waved whoever it was away. It was probably time he sit down for dinner anyways. Striding towards the dining hall, his mind kept wandering to the boy; how he would sit in one of the seats beside him, after teaching the fool some manners obviously; how his room would no longer be locked; how this boy could learn to appreciate what Silvano's rule could give him.
Yes, this was the plan. To most people, it was brain washing. To Silvano… it was his definition of rehabilitation.

After finishing his meal of chicken tikka masala, the young ruler stood and wiped his mouth with a soft cloth napkin. A light clang captured his attention. A young servant of his had a metal tray for a meal and was headed to the level below. The level in which held the boy he met today. Somehow, Silvano wasn't convinced that the rebel wouldn't try persuading his way to being released. Narrowing his eyes, he quietly trailed behind the girl at a distance. Perhaps this would work in his favor…
(ok probably not but shhhh)

The same guards who had brought Jesse to his room were posted outside the door. They seemed greatly annoyed by their task. At the sight of the servant girl, clad in a white uniform, they stiffened up to their usual intimidating poses. Narrowing their eyes, they noticed the girl only brought food. There was no way the dish wasn't checked before the girl brought it here. Slowly, they let the girl pass and into the room only to quickly shut it once again.
Inside, the girl had to hold a gasp. The room was nicer than her own. Mostly because it was larger and the bed was a size up. And with more furniture… All of this for the prince's project? She blinked a few times before focusing on the boy in the room. He was older than her by a few years, definitely.
"I brought your dinner," she stated. It was like she was reading a script. Say nothing more, nothing less, then leave.
The girl set the tray down on the table and already was turning to the door to leave.


Jesse eyed to food suspiciously, as well as the girl, but she seemed genuinely surprised by his accommodations. "Do you want to stay and eat with me?" Jesse asked before she got to the door. "This room might be nice, but it's terribly lonely. You're alone a lot too, aren't you? Maybe we could both use the company." He flushed slightly, but kept his smile on. This wasn't flirting; it was more just his desperate need to talk to someone. But he realized maybe it was more than that. How long had it been since this girl had had a decent conversation?

@Painted-Iris group

(It's okay lol)

The girl spun on her heel, staring at the boy who had asked her a question. After a few moments, she shook her head. "I can't. I-I'm not supposed to," she stuttered nervously. She was fed her own rations here. It was plenty. While it wasn't wonderful, her work was for a purpose. Her family would no longer be hungry. Silvano promised to allow her family a bit of protection when it came to rations if she would work for him. It's to save your parents, sweetheart~ he had cooed at her. It was evil bribery, but at least she wasn't hungry. Her family was okay. She wanted to be polite and accept his offer of company, but worried she would get into trouble.


Jesse frowned, feeling bad for the girl. “Do they treat you like a servant here?” he asked, disgust easy to read on his face. “I don’t want to get you in trouble,” he added, softer. “But I figured we could both use the company. I think we both need a friend right now.” He chuckled softly.

@Painted-Iris group

The girl paused a moment. "It's what I'm supposed to be. It… could be worse," she said, trying to give a light smile. She wasn't exactly mistreated, but Silvano wasn't exactly the greatest person. "I… I'd like that though. The friend thing, not taking your food. I've already eaten," she explained quickly.

@Painted-Iris group

This time, a true smile crossed the girl's lips. "It's Kiara," she replied happily.
At that moment, the door opened for the ruler himself to walk inside. His amber eyes briefly lingered on the servant girl standing near the door before landing on Jesse.
"Settling in nicely, I hope," Silvano said, not caring if the other replied or not. Kirara swiftly turned around to face her superior with a quick bow. She took few steps to the side as to walk around and leave. Silvano usually preferred his castle staff to be seen and not heard. The young servant froze as she felt a cold hand on her shoulder. "I haven't dismissed you," the ruler said in a quieter tone. It was a warning. Kiara didn't dare move as she was turned around to face Jesse, hand still on her shoulder. The male spoke again, tone returned to the way it was before.
"Your opposition cannot be overlooked. You will be here for however long your reformation will take," Silvano started, voice a bit too chipper and eager. "I promise, if you're a good little boy, I won't lock the door anymore. Hell, I'll even move you into nicer quarters if you'd like."
A pause.
"I'll even assign your little friend here to you. Wouldn't that be nice?"


Jesse’s expression contorted in anger. “Are you trying to threaten me? I’m not going to, as you put it, ‘be a good little boy’. So while you wait for me to be fixed or whatever, you can rot in hell.” He crossed his arms, continuing to glare at Silvano.

@Painted-Iris group

One would have assumed the ruler would have frowned. Silvano did the opposite. He expected this of the rebel. Clicking his tongue, he waved a ringed finger in the air. "Ah, ah, ah. Wrong answer," he said in a sing-song voice. "I didn't come here bearing threats. I'm already being more than fair. if you insist on acting like this…" Silvano started, shaking his head in mock sympathy. "I'm not afraid of testing your limits. See, I helped your little friend here. Her family would have starved without me. She's living very well for her age. Because she knows to yield to authority."
Kiara bit her lip to hold back tears. She would not cry before the cruel person who blackmailed her into this situation. She dared not speak for her family would be cut off if she did.


“Cut to the point,” Jesse responded, getting annoyed. “What do you want from me? You’re not going to get it, but the sooner you tell me what this whole villain speech is about the sooner I can be out of your company.” He couldn’t help but notice Kiara’s expression, though he didn’t think he could do anything to help her. Still, it made his heart hurt, which in turn made him want to hurt Silvano.

@Painted-Iris group

Silvano shook his head. The boy was starting to frustrate him, but he didn't let that show. "Please. I'm only the villain if you force me to be one. I tried being nice, but if you insist on the hard way… I'm warning you that I am prepared to do what I must for you to do as I say," the ruler stated, now holding Kiara's cheeks in his hands. He was threatening someone else in trade for Jesse's cooperation. And smiling while he did it.


Jesse blinked, horrified. The confident mask that he had been wearing slipped for just a moment, but he could not admit defeat yet. "You're a monster," he growled, glaring at Silvano with a more intense hatred than before. "For the last time, what do you want?"

@Painted-Iris group

Silvano finally gave up his "charming" smile and rolled his eyes. He let go of the girl in front of him for a moment. "I already told you what I want. I want you to accept your situation as it is, and understand where your current position is," the ruler started, taking a strand of Kiana's hair to twirl around his finger. "You can accept what I'm giving you, a chance to life a life you can only dream of; or… you can make me your enemy, make your existence painful to the point where you wish I had killed you."


Jesse glared at him, trying to think of a way out. “You know I’ll never really accept your offer,” he spat, though he hesitated slightly at the thought of this man hurting anyone else because of Jesse’s choice. It would still be Silvano’s fault, obviously, but Jesse couldn’t let him hurt another person. What if he had to say yes, just so Silvano wouldn’t hurt the girl he’d only known for a few minutes? It was terrible to give up his cause so early, but he couldn’t allow anyone to get hurt because of him.