Okay so I have a list of rp ideas:
Her family couldn't care for their child. They desperately longed for their daughter to live out of poverty. After dropping off their only baby girl at an orphanage, the girl ran after them, getting lost. Having nowhere else to go, she hides in a somewhat damp box, hearing rain start to trickle down harder and harder. Not knowing what else to do, she begins crying. But someone hears her.
(Can be adoption, or an orphan duo with fluff but the little girl is a character I have and wanna use)
Steps pounding, heart beating. They're coming, they're coming. So… insulting the government nearby some guards was not a very good idea. The entire continent is run by a supreme ruler, only showing favor to those who work beneath him. The men and women in armor only abuse their power. Normal citizens hide in their homes and occasionally leave, sticking to the sidewalks, not daring to look at any of the "guards" posted. Two of them corner the rebel, grinning, ready to pound them into dust. Until their savior arrives. Well, sort of…
(Ok so I have a character I wanna use here too, but your character is the one who gets saved but I can explain more where this goes but this is just a slightly more developed romance I have in mind)
Basic romance, I have a female character I really want to use, but either gender is cool to pair her with!
Heck yeah! What prompt do you like?
Ooo, yay! I was hoping someone would want to do this ons!!!
Okay so my character I originally had in mind is a part of a secret rebellion that hides in plain sight. They often wear clothing that conceals their gender, cloth or a mask hiding parts of their faces. Your character only knows vaguely of this organization. Once whisked away by this stranger, it comes to a surprise that the person rescuing them is a woman with long red hair, grinning. This is the second in command of the Rebellion, and what an introduction to start off with.
Or there's a change I just thought of: The leader himself shows up (insert reason why) and while the Guarde wants to take in the rebel, the leader claims he would like to keep them around the castle awhile. The original plan of his being to snuff out the rebellion with an example of this person. However, your character slowly makes him realize how downhill society has really become and he becomes fond of them.
ooh those both sound cool! idc which one we do tho so you can pick
I like both too, send helpppp
ahhhh i’m not good at making decisions
but i guess we can do the second one??
Ahhh sameee
But ok cool cool
Do you want a template or do you wanna just go for it?
hmm maybe like a minimal template
cool i’ll fill it out as soon as i eat hahah
Name: Jesse Bow
Age: 20
Gender: male
Personality: Loudspoken and sarcastic, but also can be kind at times. He likes flirting and getting on people’s nerves. Jesse is hard to predict and bad at making decisions.
Appearance: Light brown skin and dark brown hair with blond highlights that is constantly messy. He has brown eyes and soft boy-looking glasses. He is average height at 5’ 8” and average weight. He usually wears graphic tees and jeans.
Name: Silvano "Sil" Keanu Xayvion
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: Seems cold and calculating, a perfectionist.
Appearance: Vanilla colored skin, short and clean cut black hair. His eyes are a light caramel color that would be considered warm and kind if they belonged to someone else. He stands at 5'9" with a slim form. He tries to appear regal with a longer blue coat with gold trim paired with darker pants and formal black shoes.
(Hey! May i do 3 with you?)
(Yeah! Totally! I'll PM you tomorrow because I'm about to head to bed.)
@MusicElle-is-legally-brunette You ready to start?
(oof sorry, school is hella busy)
Silvano ran a hand through his hair, scowling. Why he had to come down here and deal with some peasant was beyond him. Couldn't the Guarde do anything? It was just one townsperson. He sighed as he walked. Of course the streets were empty. Most common folk feared him. Even if they hated him, none were brave enough to say so to his face. However, there was some good in this situation. This would stop an uprising. Stamp out a rebellion before it even started. The knights around him took Silvano towards where a few others were standing. Two guardsmen were facing away towards a smaller form against the wall, but at the sound of heavy steps, they turned to salute. "Bring him forward," the ruler commanded. The Guarde members took the rebel under the arms sloppily, holding him straight.
Silvano stared at the individual coldly, before speaking. "I hope you understand the severity of what you're doing, boy," he said, eyeing him with a bit of distaste. The boy looked similar in age, and probably wouldn't be too bad looking if he was cleaned up a bit. Silvano wanted to shake his head. Instead of insulting his court, this boy probably could have gotten a decent role in life. Heck, maybe Silvano might have made him part of the Guarde were he loyal. Alas, that was not the case. "Well? What do you have to say for your crimes against me?"
“Boy? Sorry, but you can’t be much older than I am,” Jesse began, smirking. “As for my crimes, excuse me, but have you seen the state of this place? You know that some of the stuff that I’ve done would’ve been considered legal before you took over, but clearly freedom is a foreign concept here.” Jesse knew he was in trouble right now, which was precisely why his mouth was running. When he was scared or nervous, he tended to talk. A lot.
He glanced at the Guarde holding him back. It was hilarious that they thought he could actually do any damage, but he supposed he had before. Jesse was probably going to get himself killed like this, and though he’d never admit it—he was terrified.
(AAA! Sorry! School has been absolutely crazy!)
Silvano scoffed before looking off to the side. What did this peasant think he was doing? Insulting him in such a way to his face! "Somehow, I do not believe you are sorry. I might not be much older, but your behavior makes you seem like a child who has not gotten his way. I also did not ask for an opinion on how to run the country," he stated with a roll of his eyes. The boy tapped his chin with a finger for a moment, feigning thought. "Perhaps it would do you and your kind some good if I made an example out of you?" Silvano implied, with a small tilt of his head. "To… teach you to bite your tongue," he added with a small smirk
Jesse may not have known this fact, but the only reason he was being held back was to maintain the image that they would protect their ruler. That they were loyal. It may have been only because of their rank that they followed Silvano, but that didn't matter at the current moment.