"No" she said
"No" she said
”Then why is she dead now?” Lysander asked not angrily but definitely hurt.
"it would have kilked m and she knew it" Tyler said
Henry blinked in confusion, slowly getting to his feet and staggering over to the group. ”What would have killed you, babe?” his voice was weak, scratchy and horse from the Latin prayer. He could barely raise it above a whisper.
" if I would have saved her I'd been dead" she said
”So you didn’t break the link.” Henry sighed before going into a coughing fit.
" Hen?" Betty asked from behind him well her spirt henry was the only one who could hear or see her at the moment
Henry turned in the direction of Betty's voice. ”Bets?” he croaked out.
" Hey tell ly i love him" she said
Henry nodded, mouthing an apology. What he said wasn't supposed to be deadly to vampires. It was only supposed to send Marie back to her rest.
" Tyket killed me" Betty said
Henry blinked in surprised confusion. Why? he asked not making a sound. His voice was too far gone at the moment.
Suddenly Betty's body sat up abd shr gasped go air
Lysander almost jumped as he felt her move since he was still holding her when she came back. ”Betty?” he asked hopefully, looking at her.
She smiled " im right here" sge said
Lysander gently pulled her into a hug. ”Thank you for coming back so quickly this time.” he smiled softly, kissing her forehead.
Henry nodded with a smile as a way of welcoming her back since he still couldn't talk.
Betty am closing her eyes
”Tired?” he asked kindly. The last few hours had been exhausting and he couldn't imagine what Betty needed to do to come back, if anything.
" a little bit" she mumbled
He nodded and picked her up. ”Get some sleep then, my love. I'll be here when you wake up.” he promised her before looking at their guests.
Henry nodded and gestured to the kitchen, indicating that he would see if he could fix the sink.
She layed her head on his shoulder
"d-dadda" asher said reaching for henry
Henry froze in shock when he heard what Asher called him. Yes, he already kind of thought of the boy like a son but… Hearing it still knocked the wind out of him. He smiled softly, a little teary-eyed as he picked up the boy and nodded.
Lysander smiled at his brother before taking Betty upstairs to rest. He laid her on the bed and sat beside her.
" Ly an oracle only comes back that quickly. . . If she's pregnant"
He stared at her in surprise at the announcement. ”B-but we… That was just a few hours ago. Doesn't it take more time than that for it to start?” he glanced at her stomach briefly before looking back at her.
" No not for a n oracle you don't have to help raise it or anyting we can abort it if you want" she said
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