forum O/O (That 'tis closeth)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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"Let me see," he took a sip of his coffee. "80,000," look at the rooms. It has a backyard that isn't filled with wet dirt. It has nice grass and all. Besides I have much more than 80,000," he chuckled.

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"Right, let's see. I found something else that was 60,000. Wanna see it?"

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"Looking good. Still a four-bedroom. Remarkably modern and it has a large kitchen and a room where I can have my office. The backyard is healthy. Most people gave it five stars. The best thing is that it's close to the train and has a school not too far from it," he looked surprised himself.

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"The walls. The color of the walls gets me triggered. Why are they brown?" he complained. "We have to paint it white."

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"So, want to go look at it. This is also an old picture they might have changed the color. Hopefully…" he sighed.

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He wrapped his arms around Ira’s waist. “How is it that you have more muscles than me?” He asked, running his fingers across.

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(I swear I pressed the post button!)
Saayan smiled. Moving his hands. He started to kissed up and down Ira's neck. "Beautiful my love."

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"Indeed I am. I wouldn't want to hurt you because of your period so we will have to cut thus short," he mumbled pecking Ira's cheek.