forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

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"Hmm?" Nathaniel looked up. "Oh, sorry… there were mermaids in the dream too. Unrelated to us, of course. Mermaids aren't very nice."


"Once or twice. They're nothing like movies. Sadistic little creatures…" Nathaniel kissed V back for a moment.


Heaughed into the kiss, tangling his hand in Nathaniel's hair before pulling away a bit, "let me guess, you decided it was a great idea to fight one."


"Mhmm. I thought I'd have the advantage because they haven't any legs, but angels aren't the most adept at swimming. Sick bastards tried to drown me…"


V sighed and shook his head "what am I going to do with you love?" He teased, kissing the spot beneath his ear


"I can see that, angel. So what happened to the mermaid?" He asked, putting hand behind his own head while the other remained on Nathaniel's back


"Kneed her in the stomach to get her off and pinned her against the rocks till she surrendered. Almost passed out from being underwater that long, though."


"Mm…" Nathaniel kissed him back, wrapping his arms around his neck. His wings fluttered a bit when he did and he seemed content.


"I love you…" Nathaniel murmured before quickly returning to V's lips. He'd gotten settled and comfortable by now.


"I dunno… might try something new today. Any suggestions?" Nathaniel looked up at V, changing as well.