forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

people_alt 70 followers


V hurried his hands in Nathaniel's hair and hugged him close "I don't have a good feeling about this," he admitted softly


He pulled away slightly and nodded "one sign there's trouble and we're outta there. We'll find you another job," he reasurred


"you did, I didn't. I was just pulling out clothes for you to try for tomorrow." He said with another laugh


"Oh… I thought you were wanting me to put them on now." Nathaniel looked down at himself. "Should I take them off?"


He nodded "we could go walking in the streets, it's pretty quiet around this time." He said, glancing at Nathaniel


"I'm awake. People yawn for other reasons than being tired, you know." Nathaniel stuck out his tongue and laughed.


"hm, yes they do but it's mostly because their tired, especially around this time." He argued with a laugh, grabbing his keys and opening the door


Nathaniel held V's hand once they were outside and walked along contentedly. He had a little spring in his step and a small, genuine smile that exposed his dimples.


V glanced over at him with warm some "are you just doing that to prove to me you're not tired?" He asked