forum one on one?
Started by @Fenrir

people_alt 70 followers


"you are a horrible liar. You're face gives it away." He tilted Nathaniel's face up towards his and kissed him softly


Nathaniel nodded and looked up at V again. "…You're pretty." He said out of the blue, fidgeting with his hands.


V blushed at the sudden compliment "thank you, beautiful angel." He shifted a bit and tucked the covers around them closer


"well, my dear, you have an interview to go to. Afterwards I was thinking ice cream?" E suggested with a smile


"Sure! Assuming we live through the shady interview, that is." Nathaniel laughed and hugged V a bit tighter, not wanting to let go yet.


He pulled back to glance over at the clock on the nightstand "in 3 hours," he said, stretching out beneath Nathaniel


(Me over here trying to remember if V has wings lmao)
"Alrighty…" Nathaniel let his wings relax again with a sigh. "What do you wanna do before then?"


He laughed softly "fine, how about…..oh! I have it but it's a surprise. You up for a little surprise?" He asked with a grin