@ElderGod-kirky group
She looked at her phone. "Uh… 11ish. I have to hop on over to the local dance studio and help teach a lesson. Probably will be there 'till noon."
She looked at her phone. "Uh… 11ish. I have to hop on over to the local dance studio and help teach a lesson. Probably will be there 'till noon."
"good luck with that. i hear dance students can be a real pain in the ass." he unthinkingly went over to her and leaned up to press a kiss to her temple, a wordless goodbye before he grabbed his bag.
"you have my number, and soon the world will know about that damn factory. see you later?"
She smiled at him as she pocketed her phone. She could definitely get used to this side of Nik. "Yeah, see ya later. Hope I don't die."
"all my luck goes to you."
(Yup. I'm not describing her dance lesson, as I am not a dancer by any means)
Tessa stepped out of the studio, skin slick with sweat as she stretched out her overworked muscles. Alex really didn't let up on her today.
She had changed into her usual dance clothes–really short high waisted jean shorts, a mesh halter crop top and black sports bra, as well as her converse shoes. She pulled out her phone and texted Nik. 'Just got out. I survived! But I'm pretty sure I'll be really sore later today…'
awww glad you made it. just text me if you need me to pick up anything for your achin self ;)
he was back in his usual attire, open vest layered over a black button-up, and was sat on the edge of a building. he was pretty near a convenience store, and the actual store wasn't too far if he sprinted. the first article was done, and the photos had been leaked. now, just to wait.
She rolled her eyes but replied with, I'm actually running low on ginger oil. Mind picking me up some? I won't make you put it on me ;P
Hungry for lunch, she headed on down to the nearest cafe where the owners and waitresses knew her by name. It was her favorite place to hang out and chill, and it didn't hurt that the food was great and inexpensive.
aye aye, captain.
when he had obtained the oil, he texted her a quick hey, where are you at now? i have the stuff.
FYI, that wording makes it sound like a drug deal's going down. She smiled idly as she texted him, pushing open the cafe door with her back. The cool glass was a stark difference from her hot back. And I'm at Kaisey's Cafe near the studio.
got it. and who knows, maybe it is a drug deal?
10 minutes later, nik (holding a paper bag and looking a bit ruffled) pushed the cafe door open. "ta-da. how'd it go?" he set the bag down in front of her, touching her hand in greeting.
"Yessss, muh drugs," she said jokingly. "And Alex had me freestyle dance to a bunch of different songs while he did the choreography created for them. Basically taught them the difference between freestyle and choreography–and tried to kill me in the process, but what'chya gonna do?" She shrugged with a smile up at him.
"yikes. sounds like fun, but any lesser being would actually die." he took the seat across from her, leaning on his elbows.
She flashed a toothy grin. "Good thing I'm extraordinary."
One of the waitresses spotted Tessa and smiled kindly before turning her attention to Nik, stopping at the table that they were at. "Oh, you've brought a friend? Didn't know you had those."
Tessa rolled her eyes. "Ha, ha. You're so funny Lydia." The girl chuckled and looked back at Nik. "Would you like anything?"
"oh, uh. no, i'm good. thanks!" he almost looked nervous, and he laced his fingers together over the table.
"Alright then!" The girl scurried away, going to pick up more orders and deliver them to the chef.
Tessa turned her attention back to Nik. "You good?"
"yeah." he gave a long exhale. "yeah, i'm okay. i don't know why im worked up all of a sudden." his higher brain said otherwise, mostly along the lines of okay play dumb, bitch. you really out here bein nervous over a girl? thats new for your whore ass
he mentally told his higher brain to shut up, and smiled easily at tessa. "so, what's the ginger oil for?"
She rolled her shoulders, wincing slightly. "Ginger oil has a warming effect on muscles, so it's good for relieving pain. I use it after dance lessons such as today's."
"ah. that's neat. so that's what you meant by 'put it on me'. i was… worried, for a second." he raised an eyebrow in a playful manner.
She snorted and shook her head. "Should I even ask what you were thinking?" she asked, looking back up at him.
"probably not, considering i didn't even know what to think." he let out a huff, a more public-space-friendly version of a laugh.
"Hmm." She looked up and murmured a 'thanks' to the girl from earlier, who had set a coffee down on the table in front of Tessa. Once the waitress had left, she said, "I'm not planning on taking up any contracts today, so I'm free."
(sorry! had to go to dance class, as well as take a test.)
"nice. are you more in the mood for picking off some bastard, or a chill day?"
(It's okay!)
"I'm kinda in the mood for a chill day, if I'm being honest. What about you?" She took a sip of her still steaming coffee.
"yeah, i agree. lot of action lately. i'm pretty sure i have a full set of cards against humanity, so there's an idea." he shrugged.
"i'd have to go get it. if you want to come, feel free."
"I'll come with. You heading out now or no? I'd like to drink my coffee, so I need to know if I'm taking it with me." She offered a small smile.
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