forum hey fellas im starting a new roleplay ((one on one, closed but open to stalkers))
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

"ooh, fancy. i applaud your calf muscles, heels are hard." when they reached the place, he ducked in after her.
"where am i changing?"

Deleted user

"yeah, that's fine." he headed up, quickly changing and coming back out. he was dressed in what he had picked, black belt, boots and all. he had added a choker for an extra "im not a businessman but i'll still fuck your bitch and you' flair, and headed down to see if tessa needed any help.

(i'll draw this scene if you want me to uwu)

@ElderGod-kirky group

(You can if you want, I'm actually interested in seeing what you come up with)

Tessa had her back to him as she slipped the dress on, her bare and scarred back on display. She was too focused on figuring out how the dress worked to notice him.

Deleted user

he raised an eyebrow to himself, but quickly forced himself back into a neutral expression as he uttered a soft "hey. need any help?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Oh Jesus fucking Christ, don't do that!" She startled when he spoke, however soft his voice was. "Ah… no. I think I'm good." She poked her tongue out slightly as she finally figured out the different straps and bits of cloth. She ducked her head to loop the neck strap around, then turned to Nik, placing her hands on her hips. The thin metal straps were cool against her bare thighs. "Thoughts?"

Deleted user

he snorted at her response. "sorry! quiet walking, force of habit." he gave the dress a look, holding a thumbs up of approval. "looks great! though, you might want to take some comfortable shoes. the stilettos look like they're gonna hurt after a while."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"I can dance in heels, so I should be good." She bent down to tug the shoes on and lace up the straps–they came up mid-calf. "Besides, ain't no shoe gonna best me," she said with a wink once she was done.

Deleted user

"understandable. which, good for you. i only recently managed to walk without looking like a baby deer on stilts. you ready to head out?"

((i finished the drawing, how do you want to see it?))

@ElderGod-kirky group

((Can you send a link or something?))

She nodded and looped an arm around his. "Yup. Lead the way, chauffeur," she said with a grin directed at him.

Deleted user

((here u go also he's and inch shorter than she is so it'd be more directed d o w n ))

he tilted his chin up playfully. "whatever you say, your highness."

when they reached the place, he opened the door for her and ducked inside after. "welcome to the grounds. feel free to mess with people. as long as you're sneaky, it's hilarous when you discreetly place an ice cube down some posh guys shirt."

@ElderGod-kirky group

((That looks great! I draw too, but I'm still struggling on people…))

She grinned mischievously as she looked around. This place seemed awfully familiar… "I'm planning on doing some thieving tonight," she said, gaze darting around the room. Have I been here before?

Deleted user

"oh yeah? of what things?" he slipped his hand into hers, making eye contact with the lady that raised her eyebrows at their arrival.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Hmm." She stepped closer to his side. "Maybe some loose cash, food, champagne glasses, perhaps someone's virginity," she smirked at Nik at the last one.

Deleted user

he flushed, but ignored the sudden color change in favor he lightly bumping her with his shoulder. "what makes you think anyone here's a virgin, love? open bar's that way. looks like they have more than champagne."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Oh, I know how to sniff them out," she snorted, looking over to the bar. Yup. Definitely familiar. "Do you know any of the regular guests here?" she asked Nik while leading him over to the bar. She could feel the goosebumps popping up on her skin from the cool room, but she ignored it. She'd warm up in no time.

Deleted user

"uh. lucas used to come, but we beat his ass pretty good so i don't think he's here. there's another named george. older, loves his wife. there's linda, widow. and jess, younger up-and-coming lawyer. those are all of them i know by name." he let her lead him, sitting down at the stool next to hers.

"pretty sure we can worm our way out of paying for drinks. want to give it a shot?"

Deleted user

he only winked in response, leaning forward on the counter. he seemed to be waiting for something.

after about 5 minutes, a woman wandered up to the bar and sat next to him.
after a few minutes of aimless conversation and flattery, she flagged down the bartender. he kept it going for a few more minutes, and she eventually left with her drink.

he took a sip of the… apparent strawberry daiquiri. "that's how it's done, love. let's see what you've got."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"It's called flirting and empty promises, amore," she said with a smirk and wink, then leaned forward on her elbows, purposefully puffing out her chest and giving the bartender a nice view of her cleavage. She smiled and giggled, shamelessly flirting and checking him out. She even busted out the Italian, which always worked flawlessly. The poor guy ate it all up.
He asked if she was free tonight. She said yes. He leaned over the counter and whispered something in her ear, and she mustered up a slight blush and giggle. Within a few seconds, she had a martini in her hands.
Tessa leaned back slightly and smirked at Nik. "Free drinks all night, baby," she said while holding up her drink.

Deleted user

"heyyy, impressive. the real challenge though. who can get him flustered?" he jabbed a thumb towards some Built dude in a 3-piece suit at the other end of the bar.
"since you're so talented in this area, you go first. let's see if you can get his number and fuck up his composure."

@ElderGod-kirky group

She looked over at the guy that Nik pointed out, sizing him up. "I dunno, pretty sure all I have to do is tell him what I don't have on." She sipped her martini, thinking this challenge through. This was strangely fun.

Deleted user

"i'm pretty sure that'd get any guy hard in about 3 seconds, to be honest. what's your thought process on this?" he chewed a bit on his straw, waiting for an answer and doing his own lookover of the guy.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Well, he looks like someone that's a little too wound up–someone that needs a release. Perhaps I get a little touchy feely and loosen him up a bit. Get his guard down. Whaddya say?" she asked, turning to look at Nik.

Deleted user

he looked back at her, half-grinning already. "sounds good. this'll be fun to watch, go get em' tiger."