forum I Just Want A Cute Romance RP That Won't Die In A Week IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR??
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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(Time for a TIMESKIP!)
A few hours later Marco came back to find Skye curled around Crystal. Both were asleep, and both looked very content. "Well aren't you a pair of love birds…."
(Also do we need drama? Cause I just remembered something that could cause MAJOR drama)

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Marco sighed, "Don't mind me, I'm just the guy who brought food" he said as he began pulling out his spoils, flopping on the floor. "Hey Skye…. I know you're a light sleeper"
Skye didn't answer, still fast asleep, his breathing slow.
(Can do! Evil Grin)

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"Evenin' sleepy" said Marco good naturedly, "Skye must be really comfortable around you, usually he's a light sleeper."

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"Sure" said Marco getting up, "Okay sleepy head! Time to get up!" he shook Skye with his foot.
Skye didn't stirr, his breathing was still slow and rhythmic.
Marco's grin faded a little as he knelt next to his friend, "Skye? This isn't funny anymore, get up!" he brushed Skye's skin as he shook his shoulder, Skye's skin was cold, very very cold. Marco paled a little.

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"That's way to cold to be normal, and he should have woken up by now!" said Marco worriedly, pushing Skye flat on his back.
Skye's body was limp, and he didn't make a sound as he was moved.
Marco quickly began checking his left leg, the one he'd been favouring earlier. Ripping the pantleg up he found a small cut, ringed with dark purple. Marco paled, "This is not good……"

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"Mara poisoning." Said Marco flatly, "One of those hunters must've had a weapon made of it, and somehow cut Skye with it."

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"We find the cure." Said Marco, "preferably before he dies."

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"No idea…." said Marco, "I know what the cure is, but…" he trailed off.

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"It's really rare…. and hard to find…" said Marco, "and they aren't exactly cheap either…"

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"Yeah… cliches… awesome aren't they? Thing is if we were out in Skye's home territory…." he sighed, "well… finding the cure would be a lot easier,"


(One of these days I will get sick of the hard to find antidote cliche and will throw something. And it's going to be myself off the roof of a skyscraper.)
"Then I guess we should get looking."

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(It's actually not hard to find, just extremely inconvenient at this moment.) Marco nodded, "we meet back here in one hour, we're looking for a turo flower, we just need a few petals"

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"You better" said Marco, "Or your lover ain't gonna wake up"