forum are you scared?//one on one (closed)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

people_alt 41 followers


“Please don’t elaborate on what you just said. I don’t care to know what’s going on inside your head right now.” He commented.


This was too much for Grayson so he stood up quickly, walking over to the kitchen counter and continuing to work.


"No it wouldn't because I have to make money." Grayson said, piling them all up and putting them in a folder.


"These don't make me money. It's just paperwork, it's complicated." Grayson muttered, walking back over to the table and sitting down, leaning back. "But now i'm all yours." He smiled.


Abaddon immediately lit up at that, and he gave a happy little giggle as he slid into Grayson's lap. He snuggled up to him, purring happily


Abaddon giggled as he was moved, clinging to Grayson up until he was dropped. "You know you want it," he purred, spreading himself out on the couch


"If you're trying to seduce me or something, it's not going to work." Grayson said smugly, pushing Abaddon over so he could sit down.


"Yes, it will, because I'll start beaming smut into your brain until it does," Abaddon hummed lowly before breaking into a small fit of giggles