Tanrial nodded, “Right yeah.”
“Well, let’s get going before the weather can dramatically change on us causing those rocks to fall on us, yeah?” James spoke up.
Tanrial nodded, “Right yeah.”
“Well, let’s get going before the weather can dramatically change on us causing those rocks to fall on us, yeah?” James spoke up.
"Yeah," Rick agreed, picking up the pace slightly.
The ravine was narrow enough that they almost had to walk single file, and the walls were crumbly enough that nobody wanted to risk crowding in too fast. The children looked nervous as they walked in the middle of the group–all except for Wren, who seemed completely unaffected. The ex-prisoners huddled close together, apparently not enjoying the feeling of being back underground. Mike kept his eyes on the sky ahead, not speaking to Rick or Tanrial even though they'd ended up closer together again.
Luckily Polla was right and the walk was short. Soon they stepped out into the open air again and found themselves on the rubble-strewn slope of the hill, with the village down below them beyond the trees. Everyone gave a collective sigh of relief as they started toward the shoreline of the lake.
“Well isn’t that a sight,” James muttered as he took in the view from where they were. The sun was settled not far above the water, the last picks and golds finally leaving the sky as the baby blue was painted in its place. The water ripples gently against the sand, the figures of the people in the front of the group shadowed by the sun.
Wren let out a long breath, taking in the scene without blinking, a look of deep satisfaction on her face. She reached out and put her arm around her brother Kaito, squeezing his shoulders.
"This is what I was talking about, K. This is our world now. If we'd stayed with Dad, he would have shown us only what he wanted us to see. But now, we can go anywhere, do anything. It'll be great, I promise."
Kaito didn't answer, his eyes troubled. Wren noticed his expression and sighed, pulling him closer as they walked. "I know it probably seems not-so-amazing right now, but be patient. Things will seem better in a few days, once we all get used to it."
Just then there came a shout from the ravine behind them. A minute later the Pikes dashed out in hot pursuit of the procession, Trouble at their head. She flew down the slope, waving both arms. "THERE you all are! Hot Tarniminy, we thought we'd lost you!" She skidded to a halt near Mike and Tanrial, panting. "Our radio got dropped in a hole and we thought you'd wait for us somewhere–but then Sniffles saw your trail, and lucky he did too, otherwise we coulda stood there all night!" She straightened and fell in alongside them, busily retying her hair into a messy approximation of a ponytail. "So how'd it go down there, anyway? Was there a fight?"
“Yeah, there was a fight,” Tanrial said, rubbing her neck, “But we got everyone out, children, kids. James got all the scientists and everyone out and Ryker, Eric and Jackie are unconscious.”
"Sounds like a good deal then. Not sure who Jackie and Eric are, though."
"Two of the kids," Mike said. "Them and Ryker were resisting arrest."
"Oh, I see." Trouble glanced up ahead and gave a loud gasp. "What! Ru!?"
Ruin stopped and swung around, making Polla yelp as she almost fell off his shoulder. When he saw Trouble he waved, smiling in a puzzled kind of way. "H'lo, ma'am! Where were you?"
"Where were we?" Trouble marched up and poked him in the ribs with her finger. "You rascal! We was worried about you! You went an' disappeared on us back there–was thought you mighta gotten hurt or just decided to never come back!" Her tirade complete, she hugged him, grinning. "Don't scare me like that, kid. Now look at you, being all gallant and carrying somebody. Good job!"
Ruin still looked a bit bewildered by the mixture of scolding and praise he'd just received, but smiled bashfully anyway and kept walking. Rick chuckled as he watched the exchange.
"They sure got lucky with that Hybrid," he remarked. "Most are dern near impossible to work with on account of how aggressive they are. But that feller's as sweet as apple pie."
(Hey, sorry I didn’t reply yesterday. I’m… not doing great right now and… gosh, sorry, I’m a mess and don’t know what to say so uh, sorry if I’m slow responding)
Tanrial laughed with him and nodded, “Yeah. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as shy and kind as him. Well, maybe Bernon for the kind part but he’s certainly not shy.”
(That's okay! I'm sorry you're not doing well! :( Do you want to talk about it…? It's okay if you'd rather not, but I'm here if you need a listening ear)
"Yeah, Bernon's pretty outgoing…. I hope he's okay right now, what with bein' zapped by lightning an all."
(https://www.notebook.ai/forum/general-chat/can-i-get-a-hug I don’t feel like explaining right now otherwise I might cry but uh… that explains some of what’s been going on…)
“He should be fine. It happens all the time, trust me. Some rest and a good meal will do him a world of good.”
(I'm so so sorry you're feeling that way right now….I wish there was something I could do for you that's more substantial than words, but I want to promise you that things will seem better again–maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but things well get better. hugs I won't talk about it anymore if you'd rather not think about it rn though, just let me know if you need anything)
"Hopefully." Rick yawned as they reached the long dock with the tavern at the end. "It'll probably do me some good too. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a nice morning nap."
(You don’t have to be sorry, Dusty. And I will let you know if I need anything, you’ve been a great friend this past… year nearly? Wow. So… thank-you)
“Honestly a nao sounds like a really good idea,” Tanrial sighed, “I can practically hear my bed calling my name.”
(Of course! I'm always glad to help, you're a great friend as well ^^)
Mike nodded but stopped before going inside. "Somebody needs to figure out where all these kids are going to stay, and Polla's injured, so she can't do it. Say hi to Bernon for me if he's up, I'll see you guys in an hour or so."
(What’s gonna happen once this rp is over btw? Like… what then? I may have been thinking about this a lot recently…)
“Wait!” Tanrial rubbed at her face with both hands, “You can’t do that by yourself, there’s a lot of them and one of you. I’ll help, and it might get done quicker with us both.”
(I'll be honest with you, this is the strongest rp I've ever been in, and as long as you're still into it, I don't see it ending for quite a while. I have plenty of ideas for future plots and maybe you do too. If we do ever get tired of this story…..personally I'd hate to just lose touch with you after all this. We could always get a Discord together and continue to chat and stuff that way? I don't know if that sounds like a good idea to you but it's just one thought, and it works pretty good for my sister and her friends)
Mike turned on his way back down the dock and smiled. "Thanks, Tanrial. You sure? You look pretty tired, but I would appreciate the help."
(Dude, we’ve been talking for like… nearly a whole flippin’ year! If I lost touch with you I’d honestly be pretty upset. If this ever does die, then yeah, discord is cool or the many other forms of socia, media but if you’ve got ideas for plots and stuff then I’m happy rp’ing them with you)
Tanrial nodded, making her way over to him and waving a hand idly before stifling a yawn, “Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll just take a really long nap later.”
(Aw, good ^^ Sounds like a plan then)
"All right." Mike went over to the children, who were standing in an awkward cluster while everyone around them got settled back into camp. "Hey," he said to Wren. "I guess we need to figure out where you guys will be staying for the next few days."
"That would be great," Wren replied. "I'll be the first to admit that most of us are pretty helpless when it comes to taking care of ourselves, especially without any tech on hand."
"That's understandable. "I'm sure somebody has some space and spare shelters of some kind for you, at least temporarily." MIke glanced up and down the beach at the various camps. "Tanrial and I will ask around real quick–you guys sit tight. Tanrial, why don't you ask the Pikes and James, and I'll ask Dane and Thranion. Whoever gets back first can ask the villagers."
(Speaking of taking naps, it is ten past one in the morning and I’m very sleep deprived so Ima get at elast a few hours in. See you tomorrow!)
Tanrial nodded, “Alrighty. I’m sure James has lots of spare spaces for you all after… but I’ll go ask around. See you in a bit.” And with that she hurried off along the shoreline.
(oh gosh yes, please sleep and sleep well! I'll see you later! gives extra pillow with a pretty deer on it)
Mike nodded and went in the opposite direction, thinking the same thing about Dane.
(slides in with sunglasses, a Starbucks and in her pj’s We love a sleep deprived sister)
“Trouble?” Tanrial called out, searching the camp for her, “Where are you? I have a question!”
(trundles in with blankets wrapped around like a cape Ah yes, sleep deprivation is my area of expertise)
"What's up," Trouble yelled, busy taking care of someone's dislocated arm. "You crave my wisdom?"
(hides in a pillow fort Sleep is for the weak. If I’m not awake at three am then who am I?)
“Uh, kinda,” Tanrial replied, walking towards her, “Do you have any places for the kids to stay for the next few days? If not, that’s fine I can go ask James.”
(peeks inside A timeless question indeed. Although dare I say that the answer may simply be 'well-rested' XD)
"Oh sure, we've got a couple spare tents, if they don't mind the mess and noise. Only a couple though. I'll get 'em cleared out for ya."
(Why would I want to be well rested when I can spend all night watching Midsomer Murders and death in paradise? Much more fun. sips tea)
“Thanks so much. Come find Mike and I when you’re done and you can show us where they are.”
(lol, I'll take your word for it sips water and tries to look cool)
"Acourse. Good luck, hon." Trouble waved and started loudly explaining to Ruin how to unroll a sleeping bag without tearing it.
(Ye. My sis just told me to stop napping for the second time today… wraps self in blankets)
Tanrial chuckled as she heard the interaction before she headed back towards James and his camp.
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