forum "You're The Only Ten-I-See" (Closed)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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"Well, yeah. But those shouldn't be joked about in the first place. I'm talking about normal shit, like dicks," Cicada elaborated. She rubbed a bit at her neck, "Sorry for not clarifying."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"It's all good. I'm sorry for being a negative Nancy." Phoenix added on with a light laugh. "I just know a lot of people find humor in things, that really shouldn't be funny. I didn't think you were, but I wasn't sure if you were one of those people."


"Oh hell nah," Cicada shook her head with a face. She let out a little laugh and looked to him with a sip, "I'm glad to aren't one of those people too. This would not last long."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Trust me, if that ever happens, please knock some sense into me. Or talk to me. Either works." Phoenix hummed a little, sipping from his can as well. He had a soft smile on for her. "I'm either crazy, tired, or really, really stressed out if something like that happens."


"Gotcha," Cicada gave him a thumbs up as she mirrored his smile. She leaned back on her hands and kept looking at him, "It's your turn by the way."


"Nope, my day is free," Cicada responded giving him a soft smile as she watched him. She took another sip from her can, "So I can nurse whatever hell of a hangover I have. What about you? Have any plans?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Pfft, nope. My life is an empty book. I don't even have blank pages to color on, that's how boring I am." Phoenix chuckled, making himself finish the rest of the can of beer. Tossing it in a trash can, he looked over at her. "I'll be around campus, for most of the day. So that'll be 'fun'."


"Hey, we can hang out together then," Cicada responded with a light smile and laughed again. She looked over to him before she started taking her turn again, "If you're fine with that, that is."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I'd love to. As long as you aren't puking too bad, that is." Phoenix hummed softly, getting up from the bed. "I don't want to drag you out if you feel awful." He hummed, grabbing a cup to grab some water.


"I don't think I will be," Cicada said watching him. She took a long drink watching him get water, that was probably a smart idea. Buuuut she didn't feel like it at the moment, "If I do, you'll probably know."


"I like hanging out with you too!" Cicada responded as she killed off her third can of beer. Okay, so maybe she was starting to get a little drunk. The whiskey might be a good idea now, "I'm glad, it's your turn now."

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Why's that?" Phoenix asked, sitting back on the edge as he sipped from his water. Reaching out, he started to take his turn and gave her a raised brow. "Is there something that I'm missing?"


"Nope," Cicada responded reaching for a solo cup and then the bottle of whiskey. She was humming a little and watched him again, "I'm just glad. Is there a problem with that?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Uh- no?" Phoenix replied, watching her starting to pour whiskey. "I was just asking. I didn't mean to offend you." He shrugged a little, finishing off his water glass. "Can I have a sip of that?"


"Hmm? Oh sure," Cicada said grabbing a smaller glass and poured him a little. She handed it over to him and smiled a little before taking his turn, "You didn't offend me, I was just curious ya know?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Nodding, Phoenix sucked in a deep breath before taking a sip. It wasn't great, but not too terrible. "Well that's good," He hummed a little. Pushing the little car on to the right spot, he looked over to her with a little smile. "I feel now would be a stupid time to hurt your feelings."


“I mean, you wouldn’t hurt my feelings,” Cicada dragged her words as she spoke that time. She reached for the spinner to take her turn. Her next words came out smoothly, “But yeah I guess now would be a bad time.”

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I don't want to take the chance." Phoenix hummed a little, continuing to sip from his cup. He was starting to grow more fond of the taste. "So just tell me if I say something you don't like."


"Okay," Cicada responded drinking from her own cup. She gave him a little smile growing fonder of the burn the whiskey caused in the back of her throat, "But only for tonight got it?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Sure. Though I'd like it if you would tell me whenever. That'd be nice." Phoenix mumbled a little, sighing softly. "But you don't have to. Just for tonight is plenty." He insisted, clicking his tongue.


"If I told you every time you said something I didn't like what you said, that would probably end up being some abusive type shit," Cicada drawled as she waited for him to take her turn, "So I'm not going to do if every time got it?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"I- right…" Phoenix mumbled, knowing she wanted the subject dropped. Starting his turn, he glanced up at her meekly. "What happens on this space?" He asked lightly, pointing to the space he had to move his token to.


"Hm? Oh you get a baby," Cicada responded reading the space after a moment or two. She glanced up at him before sighing lightly, "I, I'm sorry. It just, telling you every time feels wrong okay?"