forum You promise you won't forget us?
Started by @Demigod_Fenrir

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@rui group

Connor nodded his head and guided the kids to their room. He shut the door behind them and slouched against it, sliding to the ground. He buried his face in his hands, scrunching his hair as if washing it with shampoo. A tired sigh escaped his lips.

"Sorry…" Asher stood there, fiddling with his hands, eyes downcast.

Connor looked up and shook his head, crawling over to him. "Hey, I'm not mad at you. You're excited to be here; I get it. It's just you two made me realize something extremely important. So, thank you." His smile was a bit forceful but also genuine. "Let's get you changed, alright?"

Asher gasped, a smile spreading across his face. "Char, did you hear that? I helped!" He started giggling, and the sound light was infectious.

Connor stood up, walked over to their suitcases, and quickly pulled out clothes. Years of experience made it easy to figure out what his kids needed. He dressed Charlotte first, choosing a white dress adorned with flowers that perfectly suited her. Next, he picked mini cargo shorts and a white t-shirt with a cartoon beach scene for Asher, an outfit that matched his son's playful energy. Now, it was Connor's turn. He rummaged through his suitcase, trying to find something that would look good for the day ahead. He settled on a pair of white loose, straight-legged jeans and a loose blue sweatshirt with a gradient from sky blue to deep ocean blue. It was fairly thin, so he didn't feel hot wearing it. To complete his look, he grabbed a white bucket hat and slung a black crossbody bag over his shoulder, which held his essentials like his wallet and other necessities. Connor first walked them out of the door and then closed it behind them. The two seemed to have calmed down after getting all their energy out. "All done!" he announced, leaning against the table.

"Can I…." Charlotte pointed to his hat, making a gesture that she wanted it. Connor understood and gave it to her, and she giggled and jumped around as she put it on. "Look!" He tugged on Jas's pants with a big smile.


Jas watched Connor and the kids retreat back into the bedroom to change before focusing back on the dishes and putting them away. Eventually his cats came to join him, winding around Jas' legs and meowing needily. Jas chuckled softly, settling Ash on his shoulders and cradling Winnie in one arm as he put away the damp dish towel and tidied the home a bit before packing for their trip.
He packed a simple bag, just keys and a small wallet. Anything else they might need, extra jackets for the cold, bugspray, and sunscreen would already be in the car. "I'm sorry my loves, you can't come with us." He cooed, gently prying his cats from where they had latched themselves onto his clothing and urging them towards the sunroom where it was cooler. "We'll be back soon." He promised, fussing over them and his plants before meeting Connor and the kids in the living room.
"You all look great." He smiled as he took in Connor's appearance and then the kids. "A bit touristy but nevertheless stunning." He chuckled lightly and glanced down as Charlotte tugged at his pants. "You look lovely, princess. The hat suits you well. You ready for an adventure?" He asked, offering the girl his hand to lead them to the awaiting car.

@rui group

(Question do you remember is Asher and Charlotte are twins cause I don't know. I think Asher might be older but they got they're powers at the same tim so it makes me think they are)

"Yes adventure!" Asher yelled aggressively grabbing onto Connor's hand.

Connor grinned and followed Jas to the car. He strapped Asher and Charlotte in before entering the front seat. "Asher is very excited. He tend to think everything is an adventure, which at that age I hope he does." He sighed and put his seatbelt over his chest. "Alright you two. We're going into town which means no running around and acting wild. There are other people who will be walking so let's try our best not to disturb them okay?"

The two nodded and put up a salute, "You got it captain!" They said in sync. Connor only laughed, touched by their playful enthusiasm. "That was pretty cool," He added and turned back around to face forward and properly adjust his position.


(I always thought Asher was slightly older than Charlotte, at least by 2 or 3 years. I didn't think about the powers tho)

Jas grinned and led them all to the car, excited to finally show the people he loved the place he grew up in. In a bittersweet way, he was fulfilling his promise to Connor a lifetime ago to bring him to Italy. "It's a whimsical way to think, making even the smallest outings something exciting." He mused as he rolled down the windows and let the late morning air breathe life into the car. "Today's going to be an actual adventure though, they have all the reason to be excited," he said as they entered the main part of the town, cozy villa-style homes and small shops lining the streets. "I figured we start in town and then head to the beach later this afternoon if you're not too tired." after a bit of driving, Jas found a parking space close enough to the shops and announced they reached their first destination. "there's a bit everything on these streets and some great places to eat if we get hungry later," He explained excitedly and he helped with getting the kids and their things out of their car. "There are also a few popular things to do around here too, so if you want to check those out too we can always backtrack and wander around the area."

@rui group

(That''s what I thought too…welp for now I'm going to say they are twins cause why not)

"I could never get tired as long as I'm with you. The beach sounds wonderful, my—" He cut himself off, glancing down at his hands. "Besides, I don't think I've ever taken these two on a vacation, especially to the beach. This will be their first time, and I'm very excited. I'm going to capture it all on video and everything." Connor grinned. "Yeah, I'm sure they'll want to visit everywhere, but we have all the time in the world, so there's no need to rush. We can save some things for tomorrow. If we get hungry, we should go out and get food and probably pick up groceries while we're out. Kill two birds with one stone." He leaned his head on the window, eyes reflecting a dreamy contentment. "Wow, we really do have a lot to do today." Connor stretched as the car came to a stop and silently thanked Jas for helping the kids out of the car. "Wow, I could get used to this. Waking up to this every morning would be like a dream. Honestly, I prefer places like this. Places where I can see the stars at night and wake up to a nice open smell that isn't filled with porta-potties, cigarettes, and month-old trash everywhere." He took Asher and Charlotte's hands. "Lead the way, Kitty."


"It really is. When I first moved here, I promised myself I wouldn't go so often so I wouldn't lose the magic but I can't keep from coming back every chance I get," he explained, his smile softening as he glanced back at the kids. "I'm glad they can spend it here, even if the reason why you're all here isn't the best. I hope we can make the best of it." Jas decided to brush off Connor's hesitation. Jas knew it was cheesy to call Connor every nickname in the book, it was something he had picked up lifetimes ago and it had just stuck, first as a way to piss off his hero and then as something more meaningful but Jas never expected Connor to do the same, even as they became more comfortable with each other. He was more than ecstatic to be called 'kitty' or 'dear' or even just hearing his name without any of the hatred of lives before was more than enough for Jas. "There's far too much to see in this city in just one day. For today, I want to show you my favorite place, places that made me fall in love with Italy over and over again." He slung the bag over his shoulder and locked the car, grinning excitedly as he stepped up onto the sidewalk. "There's a great little open market on the way to the beach we can stop by to get some food and groceries for the house." he offered, leading the family towards the city center. "It really is beautiful. Very different from New York but in a good way I suppose. It took me a while to get used to living here, somewhere quieter and without the people I loved but it was a needed change." he chuckled lightly and nodded, "as much as I miss New York every now and again, I can't say I miss the smell either." Jas waved his hands in the air in a bit of a dramatic flourish, "*
Benvenuti a Vernazza*" he introduced as the historic city came into view, terracotta and cream-colored stone intermingling with bursts of green and vibrant blue from the surrounding nature and sea.

@rui group

Whether Connor wanted to admit it or not, he liked watching Jas talk about the things he loved. Even when they weren't on the best of terms, something about Jas's passionate exclamations about why he wasn't a villain amused him enough to keep him around. He sighed, "Maybe that's why I never arrested you," he said quietly. A smile began to form on Connor's face, his teeth showing between the gaps of his lips as Jas's smile felt contagious. "Sounds like a plan. I'm excited to see your favorite place. You already saw mine, so it's only fair." He looked down at his hands, which Charlotte used to swing her body back and forth, and his mouth opened in awe. "I still can't believe you lived in such a beautiful place." The town felt like a real community, and the more Connor observed, the more he realized how connected everyone was. "So maybe I looked at this wrong, but is this the place where everyone knows everyone? Oh, and you're in a band. Are you locally famous, or do you perform at small gigs? Ah, I'm sorry I forgot to let you answer so many questions. I'm just excited to know you better and be closer to you." He shrugged as Asher kept tugging on his arm to move faster. "Alright, alright, Asher, just be patient. Take in the scenery, and if you want anything, ask. I'll be happy to get it, you too, Charlotte. We have time."


"Some days neither can I. Sometimes I don't know I ever left." He mused wistfully, taking a deep breath of the salty-sweet air, the coast close enough to the city where they could feel the misty spray in the air. "But then I'm reminded of my family, Mom and Dad, Sash, Suni, Connan and Damien, you. Then I'm reminded why I'm always drawn back to the States." Jas gave a slight shrug as he let the throng of people pull them into the bustling city center where the shops and entertainment were mostly concentrated. He glanced over his shoulder and grinned with a nod, amused by Connor's curiosity. "Yes, dear. This is very much a close-knit community. You can barely go a few streets without meeting a relative or friend." Jas made a quick stop by a street vendor, picking up a few sweets for the kids and small pastries for lunch later before heading down a less populated street where he knew a few toyshops and arcades were located for kids to hang out were at. "Mostly small gigs, we're not that famous but we've been to a few cities around Europe," he explained with a shy smile. He never really thought of him or his band as particularly famous. They just all loved music and playing for people, he never thought touring would be an option until a few years ago, and even then he didn't consider them famous. "We'll have to play for you at some point," he suggested, stopping by a small store he thought would catch the kid's attention.

@rui group

He chuckled to himself as he felt a warm feeling from the nickname given to him. "That's nice, everyone knows everyone. My hometown used to be like that, but it was more so because of poverty. I'm happy that I was able to get my life on track so I could have another chance with all the others." He paused, looking thoughtfully at Jas. "Since you don't think of yourself as famous, it's time to tell all my family and friends about your band. I have to promote my—" He stopped mid-sentence, letting go of Asher and Charlotte's hands so they could explore. "—friend as much as possible. And I will be coming to one of your shows. Do you play an instrument, or do you sing?" Connor's eyes widened with excitement as he glanced at Jas, momentarily taking his attention off the kids. "If you sing, you must sing for me when we get home. I've never heard it before. I don't want any bullshit about a recording of your song. It's different when you listen to it live, okay?"

He looked back at the kids and found Asher pointing to something. "Dad, look! The pink one is so pretty!" Connor laughed, following Asher's gaze to the seashells he was pointing at. "Is that so? Well, maybe I should buy it for you, and then you can bring it everywhere. How does that sound?"

Asher's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes, please! I want to show it to everyone!"

Connor smiled warmly, ruffling Asher's hair. "Alright then, it's a deal. We'll get that pink shell for you." He glanced over at Jas again, his expression softening. "And as for you, I'm serious about hearing you sing. I bet you have an amazing voice. I can't wait to hear it." Connor's heart swelled with happiness as he watched his children and Jas. For the first time in a long while, he was surrounded by the people he cared about most.


Jas watched as the kids ran towards the souvenir store, one he personally really liked for not being so catered to the tourists like the other stores and offering unique gifts like the collection of shells they saw displayed in the mirror. "Thank you, heart. That means a lot to me and I'm sure the rest of the guys will also appreciate it." Jas shoved his hands into his pockets as they followed the kids into the store, a relaxed smile on his features as he looked around. "I do, I'm their drummer. I don't sing all the songs, I'm usually a backup here and there." He explained, laughing at Connor's excitement. "I will gladly sing to you, dear. Be warned, I'm not that great though, and I'm usually off-tune if I'm singing alone. Many a drunk karaoke night have proven that." He chuckled and watched as the kids marveled at the trinkets and treasures on the shelves, following behind as they went from statues to magnets to painted shells depicting Vernazza. The shells that had captured Asher's attention were in a shadow box, meant for display or collecting, nothing too extraordinary compared to the rest of the shop but in watching Asher's reaction Jas was reminded of when he was around the kid age, when he had gone to the beach and wanted to take every treasure home, no matter how chipped or damaged a shell was, Jas had wanted to keep them all knowing they'd be more appreciated in his room than just ignored on a beach. Eventually, he found a whole new appreciation for the shell-covered beaches, beyond just a pretty collection but that sense of wonder and always having a piece of his beloved home with him was always there. "A good choice, and it looks like you can add more when we go hunting for shells and sea glass at the beach later." he said, pointing out the small empty squares around the shells with simple labels like 'shell' or 'seaweed' on them. "You can show everyone your collection when you're done." He glanced up at Connor "I'm almost tempted to say no but I think hearing my awful singing will more fun."

@rui group

Connor paid for the necklaces, buying one for each of them. Even though Charlotte hadn’t said anything, he could tell she wanted one too. "One for each of you," he said, handing the necklaces.

"We can get more? I want more!" Asher took one and gently hung it around Charlotte's neck before putting it on his own. "Thank you!" he exclaimed, his smile wide as he grabbed Charlotte's hand to walk together.

"Ah- we will, we will. Jas is showing us around to be patient," Connor watched them, his heart swelling with affection. "I'm so glad they get along," he mused. "I just hope when they're older, they won't start fighting with each other." Charlotte and Asher giggled as they swung their hands between them, the new necklaces gleaming around their necks. Connor glanced around, taking in the sights and sounds of the market. The aroma of freshly baked bread and sweet pastries wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of blooming flowers from a nearby stall. The cobblestone path beneath their feet was worn smooth by years of footsteps, adding a sense of history to the lively scene. "Hey, so you mentioned your family earlier. Do you think I could meet them sometime, or are most of them…" he looked down at his hands and started to figure with them, "Of course, if it's a touchy topic, you don't have to."


Jas smiled as they trailed behind the kids, letting them lead them to the next store or attraction that caught their attention. "I'm sure they will. It's only natural for siblings to disagree and fight as they grow. But deep down they'll love each other far more than whatever minor problem comes up. I remember when me and Sash or Suni would fight, threatening never to see or speak to each other again but by the next day or even hours after we'd be back together, hanging out as if nothing had happened before." Jas chuckled lightly with a fond shake of his head.
He glanced over at Connor as they walked through the well loved streets of Vernazza, his smile brightening at the mention of his family. "I would love it if you got to meet my family. It might be a bit rough though. They're not dead or anything just scattered. Mom, Suni and Sasha are part kitsune so they'll spend equal time in the heavens and here. I'll have to ask Dad when the next time they're back so we can take a trip back to the states. I'm sure they'd love to see you again and meet the kids after so long." He reassured. "Sasha and Suni's partners would also love to see you, especially Damien. You were good friends with him last life and I knows he's been dying to see you again." He said gently, remembering back to how angry Suni had been that Connor couldn't even remember his best friend and how willing he was to seemingly leave it all behind so easily. "We'll get it sorted out soon, heart. Regardless of whether we get your memories back, we'll visit them again." He promised. "What about you? Do you still have family around? I remember meeting your mom way back at the wedding. I hope she's well."

@rui group

Connor's expression softened as he listened to Jas. "I see, that's pretty cool. I mean, not that your family is scattered, but that they live in the heavens. Damien sounds familiar, but maybe because I've walked this earth so long, I've met countless people." He frowned slightly, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "I wish I could remember, especially if I was a good friend to them. I used to pride myself on my memories of other people. I could never forget them, especially those I was close to who I had to watch die and never come back. If it's alright with you, I would like to meet them after I get my memories back. I would hate to make them introduce themselves again when I should remember." His smile was weak, tinged with the weight of forgotten years and lost connections. As much as he loved this date and seeing where Jas grew up, he was still eager to reclaim his memories. "But my mom is doing well. She's currently living in the house I grew up in, and I haven't spoken to her in a while, you know, since Jake happened. But when I get my memories back, I want to visit her with the kids so she can meet you. Hopefully, by then, our relationship won't be as complicated. I just want things to be normal again, you know?" Connor continued, his voice almost a whisper. "To live how I want and provide for my children and make up my mind about how I feel for you." He sighed. "I'm getting a bit on the darker side, aren't I? Sorry," he touched Jas's shoulder before putting his hands back into his pockets. "But to answer my question yes you can meet my family," Connor chuckled.


"It's not your fault you forgot, dear," Jas murmured, briefly squeezing Connor's hand before letting go. Jas had accepted that Connor may not remember their time together, he could deal with that with time and distracting himself with his job and new life. He had even convinced himself he had deserved it for whatever reason but for Connor to forget his family and friends was something else completely. Jas only wished he realized sooner what Jake had been doing since high school instead of sulking and feeling sorry for himself. "I'll call Finn tonight, see if we can push the meeting for tomorrow, and at least start getting your memories back," he promised, a small smile on his features as Connor spoke about his family. Jas always got the vague feeling his mom in particular knew more than she was letting on but would keep her predictions to herself for her son's safe. "As far as normal goes for us, I think this is pretty in line with our very long history. As for our relationship…I don't think it's ever been anything but complicated. Sometimes I wish it were more simple but then I don't think it'd be half as fun." He grinned and shook his head "You're not love. I'm glad you're talking about what's on your mind. I'd rather you vent and ramble rather than just stay quiet and stew with your emotions alone." He chuckled lightly and nodded. "after everything, I think we'll need another vacation so that would be perfect. It'll be nice for the kids as well, being with family they're more familiar with." He mused as they followed the kids around the corner, reaching a cul de sac of outdoor stands and shops selling anything from fruits and vegetables to textiles to wine and olive oil, anything both tourists and locals may ever need.

@rui group

"Yeah, I don't want you to rush him or anything. I don't know the process, but that would be nice." Connor nodded, a touch of uncertainty in his voice. "Thanks for understanding. I know I've probably been all over the place with my emotions. I'm just trying to balance all of this the best I can. But I'm positive if it was someone other than you, I probably wouldn't be here. I'm not a very trustworthy person, as you know. I've been told I have this resting bitch face, which is why so many people don't like talking to me. But it seems I'm different from you. I don't know why. Maybe it's because we've been together since we were born, you know." Connor looked around, taking in his surroundings and relaxing for the first time in a long while. The air felt lighter, and the sounds of campus life were a comforting hum in the background. He sighed, his gaze distant as he continued, "I would like them to meet their family if I could remember who some of them were, you know. I've lost the past two lifetimes already, and I am close to losing a third. In retrospect, I should be happy because there are fewer things I have to remember, but the next is when we were in Paris. I liked that one. It was by far the best chase of you I had." Connor tilted his head, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "The good thing is it doesn't hurt anymore when I lose memories. It just feels like I'm more empty than before. Like I know something missing, but I just don't know what it is. But we'll get there soon enough. I'm fine waiting. Besides if I can get them back why fear if I lose them you know?"


Jas laughed, "oh you definitely do, but it's never been something that's deterred me from trying many many unsuccessful times. That being said, for as long as we've shared lives, there are still new things I'm still figuring out about you. Things change and it's not like we've told each other everything about ourselves. It takes time, learning to trust someone especially after what you've been through with Jake. Neither the memory loss nor the lack of trust in those around you are things I would ever hold against you. I'm glad you're slowly opening up and letting yourself feel something other than empty." Jas offered a gentle smile as they entered a section of the market that specialized in food, the perfect place to pick up lunch and dinner for later. He lowered his voice so the kids wouldn't overhear. "As much as I would love to promise you won't lose a third, I can't. But I can promise no matter what, I'll be there next life and every life after." He nodded and tilted his head thoughtfully. "Was that when I made you chase me up the Ifle Tower? That view was stunning at the top and I still can't find a better place for desserts." Jas paused by a stall, buying a few loaves of warm bread and cured meats and cheeses to enjoy later at the beach as well as a nice bottle of wine and some juices for the kids. "You're memories are worth holding onto love. I'm not just saying that because of what we shared but of all your other lives. Sure some parts were painful but there was good in there too. We'll get them all back, no matter what."

@rui group

He nodded with a quiet chuckle. "Yeah, I believe it is. I used to get so pissed because you loved doing that all the time. I never understood why. Like that one time when I finally got to the top of the tower, just as the sun was setting because you decided to keep the chase going. You were sitting there on the edge, just staring. I don’t think I had the pride to say it back then, but I guess I can say it now. You were beautiful. The wind in your hair, your silhouette against the sunset—it was perfect." Connor could remember it all so clearly like it had only happened yesterday. Jas's hair, tousled by the gentle evening breeze, caught the light. His posture was relaxed, yet there was an intensity in the way he gazed out over the landscape, as though he were absorbing every detail, every moment. The wind played with his hair and clothes, creating a flowing, almost otherworldly effect. To Connor, Jas looked like a dream—an image too beautiful to be real. The way the light outlined her silhouette, highlighting his strong yet graceful form, made Jas seem both powerful and fragile simultaneously. At that moment, Jas was the embodiment of freedom, untamed and unreachable, and Connor couldn’t help but be captivated by the sight. He was perfect, and for those few seconds, Connor forgot everything else, lost in the beauty of Jas against the backdrop of the setting sun. "But then, when I finally got up there, you jumped down, and then I…" He paused, his expression tightening as he struggled to recall. "Then I… hm."

Asher's eyes lit up as he spotted a flock of birds gathered on the street, huddled as if someone had just been feeding them. "Hey, look!" he shouted, excitement bubbling in his voice. Without hesitation, he dashed through the flock, causing the birds to take flight around him in a flurry of wings. They didn’t peck or attack; instead, they scattered in the air, more frightened of Asher's sudden intrusion than protective of their interrupted meal. "I've never seen this many before!" Asher laughed, his joy infectious as he grabbed Connor’s hand, pulling him into the midst of the birds. Some birds lingered, fluttering nervously, while others circled back and landed on Connor's shoulders, as if drawn to him. Winged creatures always seemed to be comfortable around Connor—maybe sensing a kindred spirit in him. "Woah, Dad! You look so cool!" Asher exclaimed, his eyes wide with admiration as he looked at Connor. Then he turned to Jas, his excitement still bubbling over. "Doesn't he, Jas?"


Jas tipped his head in thought before he gave a sly grin "I guess I wanted to show you around. You wouldn't let me take you on dates so I made you chase me around the most beautiful cities in the world so we could see them together." Jas reminisced on Paris. He had gone back lives later to see that same view and explore the city without the stress of being chased around by Connor's higher-ups. He breathed a shy laugh "I wasn't the only one. I thought for sure once I reached the top you'd catch up but then you just stopped. Back then I didn't understand why. I had thought you were just tired or possibly just nervous about catching me but then I looked at you, Paris below us, the sun setting around us and for a moment, I thought that was our moment of finally understanding each other. You know, like in the movies where the stars align and suddenly all the not-so-subtle hints about loving you finally drop into place." He chuckled and shook his head. "Just some very naive wishful projecting back then that didn't really go anywhere but I still think about that day a lot. How for a moment we just saw each other and nothing more, nothing less. How from then on, I genuinely thought of you as an angel, no matter how cheesy that was."
Jas adjusted the bag on his shoulder, snapping his attention up as Asher called out. If New York and Italy had anything in common it was that their respective bird species were fearless. Apart from Asher running directly towards the flock, the mix of doves and pigeons seemed unbothered by the human commotion of the market around them. If anything they seemed more eager to peck at the leftover crumbs and abandoned food scraps. Jas stayed put off to the side of the to not disturb the settling birds, even as his feline side itched to give into the chase. Jas watched as the birds settled on and around Connor, shrouding him in their wings and cooing affectionately. Jas took a few cautious steps forward, breaking off pieces of bread and handing them to both Asher and Charlotte so they could toss it at the hunger birds. "Yeah he does look pretty doesn't he?" He agreed, hiding a laugh as a bird settled on Connor's head. "They seem to be taking quite a liking to you, dear."

@rui group

Connor laughed with a big grin, his eyes rolling upward as he felt a bird alight on his head. He closed one eye as the bird on his right shoulder gently nudged his face. “Yes, they do,” he said with a grin. “They always have. Birds of a feather flock together. But they usually don’t stay this long, especially around other people. The longest one ever stuck around was a turtle dove. They’re so angelic, which is probably why they like me.” He glanced over at Jas, who was trying to suppress a laugh, and crossed his arms with a playful smirk. “You can laugh, you know. I can see you hiding it.” With a flick of his hand, he shooed the bird off him and handed some bird food to Charlotte, letting her have a turn feeding them. Turning back to Jas, Connor walked closer, looking down at him with a tender gaze. He gently grabbed Jas’s waist and pulled him in. “Now that I’m this close, you can’t hide anything from me.” His hand moved to Jas’s cheek, his thumb rubbing softly back and forth. “No matter how hard I try to keep my distance, I find myself wanting to be near you." He took a deep breath out and took a step back, but not too far from Jas. "Right now I really want to kiss you, but I would be giving Charlotte and Asher the wrong idea, so I'm trying to refrain." He took a deep breath out and smiled. "Shall we go to the beach now? I know you've been wanting to show us. Lead the way, Kitty." Connor put his hands behind his back as a bird landed on his shoulder gently cuddling his cheek. "You're a clingy one aren't you?" he said looking down at the beauty on his shoulder.


"Please tell me you weren't the one who came up with that saying." he begged, laughing as a few birds cuddled up to Connor "Oh they love you, darling." He eyed a few birds that dared hop a little too close and gently shooed them away, not wanting to spoil his appetite for dinner. He tipped his head up and lightly rested his hands on Connor's shoulders. "But where's the fun in that, heart? I thought you liked a bit of mystery." He teased, leaning into the gentle caress and emitting a soft purr. "Is that such a bad thing? I promise I won't bite." He asked softly, quickly kissing Connor's palm before letting him fall away from the embrace with a small nod of understanding. "It's alright, I've waited this long for you, I'd gladly wait far longer if it means you're safe and happy." Jas sighed deeply and nodded, having looked forward to going to the beach all day. "We can stop by for dinner on the way back as well. There's a lovely little place I love to visit when I'm feeling particularly lazy." He chuckled softly as they picked their way through the sea of people, most making their way back home or having the same idea as Jas and heading out for an evening of relaxation by the beach. Cobblestone stairs and pathways wove in between buildings, all leading them southwards to the coast, eventually connecting to the beach. Jas strayed away from the crowds once they neared the beach, taking Connor and the kids through a detour through a few overgrown trees until they reached a more secluded area where the locals would usually hang out rather than the overpacked beaches with most of the tourists. "Welcome to our own little piece of heaven." Jas stepped out onto the beach and let himself breath in the salty-sweet air. The beaches weren't pristine and white, but rather more rustic, covered in shells and seaweed. Farther down the coast black rocks were jutting out from the ocean where local kids would dive off of and play around. It wasn't perfect but Jas adored coming here any chance he got.

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"Wow!" Charlotte gasped, her excitement bubbling over as she started running around the beach.

"Make sure not to trip, you two! And don’t go in the water—you don’t have swimwear on!" he called after them, his voice carrying a mix of warning and amusement.

"Okay!" Asher replied, laughing as he tossed sand at Charlotte, who immediately returned the favor.

"I swear, they never listen," he muttered, shaking his head with a fond sigh. Placing his hands on his hips, he watched them for a moment before finding a spot on the sand where he could sit and keep an eye on them without having to stand. As he settled down, he took in the view, finally allowing himself to relax. "This beach is beautiful, Jas," he said softly, letting the serene atmosphere seep into him. He closed his eyes, savoring the sound of the waves mingling with the natural laughter of his children. The fresh ocean air filled his lungs, making him hum contentedly. After a while, he opened his eyes and turned his gaze toward Jas, a gentle smile on his lips. "You are beautiful," he murmured, his words filled with quiet sincerity. "Has anyone ever told you that? If not, you might need to find new people to live your life with., either that or they must be blind." He sat back, his hands digging into the warm sand as he began to play with it, drawing little hearts and just letting in flow between his fingertips.


Jas grinned with a shake of his head as they kids immediately started tossing sand around and playing. He would do worse as a kid, digging holes randomly and trying to catch the little hermit crabs that lived by the shoreline to keep as pets. Jas set the bag down in the sand and settled beside Connor, looking out onto the coastline where the sun was starting to meet the horizon. "It's my favorite place to be in all of Vernaza. I've even tried to convince the band to play here but its a bit hard with all the equipment and we don't want to ruin the peace for the locals." He explained, picking up a nearby shell and tracing the grooves and ridges. He rested his cheek on his knees as he turned his attention towards Connor, "Hmm, I do recall you saying something very similar about ten minutes ago when confessed you were admiring me back in Paris." He teased, breathing a laugh as he set the shell back down. "I like the people I have in my life right now. I wouldn't want to replace a single person I have with me now, or who I've had before." he watched as Connor doodled in the sand, for a moment wanting to reach out and take his hand but then he was reminded of Connor's hesitation back at the market. For his kid's sake and for his own, Connor wanted to take things slow. As much as Jas loved and cherished their stolen kisses and short-lived secret make-out sessions, he wouldn't put Connor in a position where he had to explain to his kids that Jas was potentially his partner after just leaving their other father.
Jas stood and shook his shorts off from the sand. "I'm going to venture the shoreline, find some shells or even sea glass for the kids. If you need anything or get hungry I won't be far off." He said, pointing to the start of where the rocks were jutting out from the sand.

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Connor sat quietly, his eyes following Jas as he walked away. Part of him wanted to go with him, to be close and maybe even talk about what was on his mind, but instead, he stayed put, pulling his knees to his chest and resting his cheek against them. His stare was vacant, almost as if the beautiful scenery and the joyful laughter of his kids were a distant backdrop to his internal struggle. Despite everything around him, he felt empty. Maybe it was the memories weighing him down, or perhaps it was the confusing, undefined relationship he had with Jas. If Jas wanted to take things slow, he’d respect that, but the yearning to just ignore everything and kiss him was gnawing at him.

"Come on!" Charlotte’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts as she grabbed his hand, pulling him up from the ground. "Come play with us!" Her enthusiasm was contagious, and despite himself, he huffed out a small smile.

"Alright, you asked for it!" he said, lifting Charlotte off the ground and playfully running toward the waves. "I would throw you in, missy, if you had your swim clothes on!" His gaze drifted back to Jas, who was scanning the shoreline. The sight of him stirred something in Connor, making the confusion bubble up again. "Seriously, what are we?" he mumbled under his breath. "I just want to be with you, but am I allowed to?" He sighed deeply, glancing back at Charlotte and Asher, who were now engrossed in their own fun.

Charlotte leaned in close, whispering in his ear with a mischievous grin, "You should just go for it!"

Connor chuckled and gently pushed her hat down over her eyes, teasing her, "What do you know, young lady!" But her words lingered, echoing the thoughts he was trying so hard to push aside.


Jas had made his way down to the coastline, carefully picking his way through the seaweed that gathered by the shore. As much as he adored this beach, he couldn't stand the slimy texture of seaweed so he tried to avoid it as much as possible. Once finally by the rocks, Jas began scanning the ground for any interesting shells or sea glass he thought the kids would like to collect. while he didn't endorse beach combing for the sake of wildlife and the beauty of their environment, Jas justified his little treasure hunting by only taking a few select trinkets, leaving the whole shells for the crabs and trying his best not to disturb the animals that made their home in the sand and between the rocks.
Once he had a handful of shiny beach finds, Jas began to walk the shoreline, pulling off his shoes to dip his feet into the water. He was still apprehensive about being in large bodies of water, a fear he had learned would always live with him for most likely all his life but that never kept him away from a beach or a lake when traveling.
When he reached where the sand met black spiky rocks Jas turned back towards the beach. On any other day he'd venture a bit of a climb to see the other side of the rocks but today he didn't want to be that far away from Connor or the kids as much as he kept reminding himself they needed space. He looked up in time to see Connor spin Charlotte around and cover her eyes with the hat, laughing happily. How Jake could have thrown all of this away, Jas would never understand nor did he want to.

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He sighed, setting Charlotte down before motioning for Asher to come over. The three sat together, cross-legged on the sand, and he looked between them, feeling the weight of his next words. "You know what… it's time we had a talk." His voice came out a bit softer than intended, but he pushed through. "Asher, Charlotte, I wanted to save this for when you were older, but… the longer I wait, the more confused you'll be in the long run." He took a deep breath, feeling the lump in his throat tighten. "Your dad, Jake, he… wasn’t good to me. He had this ability to erase memories, and a lot of the time, when he got mad, he did things no one should ever do—especially to someone they love. Then he'd erase my memories, so I wouldn’t remember." Connor glanced toward Jas, a bittersweet smile tugging at his lips before he turned back to his kids. "That’s why we're here. I’m trying to get those memories back. And… I think I’m in love with Jas. Not like the way I love you two—because you're my family—but in a romantic way, the way I used to love your father." Asher and Charlotte listened quietly, nodding as they absorbed his words. To Connor’s surprise, Charlotte’s face lit up with a small, understanding smile. He let out a chuckle, though his chest still felt tight with emotion. "I know it’s a lot to take in. If you need me to slow down or explain more, I’m here. I just—" He hesitated, not wanting to burden them with too much. "I know moving countries and suddenly leaving behind a father figure is tough. But—"

"Daddy, we aren't four years old," Asher cut him off, his voice calm but firm. "We get it. We understand. And we want you to talk to Jas." He shifted, crossing his arms as he continued. "I'm going to be ten soon, so I understand. I saw what Father did to you. I had to watch it happen, and honestly… I'd much rather see you with Jas than see you and him just staring at each other all the time. Do you know how awkward it is to stand between you two when you're doing that?"

Connor blinked, stunned by Asher’s maturity and bluntness. "I—I’m sorry you had to see that. I promise it won’t happen again. Never again." He wrapped them both into a tight hug, feeling tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. "But are you really okay with me moving on with Jas? I don’t want to rush anything for you—"

"We're fine!" Charlotte chimed in, her voice rising with enthusiasm. "I'd rather see you happy than sulking and pouting all the time."

Connor blushed, taken aback. "I am not sulking!" he protested, though his voice lacked conviction. "I don’t know what you two are talking about."

Charlotte pushed him with surprising force. "Just go!" Stumbling slightly, Connor was pushed toward Jas, still sifting through the shoreline. He glanced back at Asher and Charlotte, who were already giggling together, their bond as siblings unshaken.

Connor’s heart raced as he made his way over to Jas, climbing up onto the rocks. When he finally reached him, he stood awkwardly for a moment before breaking the silence. "Hey…" he said, his voice soft and he began to kick the little pebbles off the rocks. "Find anything good?"