forum "You DO like me!" "I don't think 'like' is the right word." "You tolerate me." "Maybe." one on one
Started by @cryptic-glitch

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"Stairs?" Lin walked forward, holding up the flame in his palm. "Yeah, I think you're right. Should we go down them?"


"Careful." Lin murmured, keeping close to Orion as he followed her down the stairs. He kept the fire as bright as he could so that they could see.


"Because you like to wander into abandoned warehouses that could potentially be dangerous." Lin rolled his eyes a bit.


"I don't, no. There's a lot of boxes down here, though… we can look in them if you want." He kept going forward at a normal pace, keeping an eye out for anything potentially harmful.


"I'll open them. You. . .just be ready to torch anything that moves." She kicked one of the boxes and it split open, rusty nails and screws tumbling out.


"Yeah, yeah. Of course." Lin kept close so that he could do as he was told. "Hm… nothing to torch yet. Just some nails."


Lin torched the spiders as previously instructed until they were nothing more than scorched dust on the concrete floor. "There. They're dead."


"Thank you. From now on, we zap the boxes before we open them. And, to be honest, if it's all gonna be nails and screws, we might as well head back up. Or. Actually. Let's go until the hall ends."


"Then we might set the crates on fire, though, and that's… not ideal…" Lin kept walking with Orion, seeming a bit apprehensive. "Don't feel like getting caught in a burning building."


"Yeah… stick close to me so you can see." Lin kept walking along, making the fire brighter so that their field of view was wider.


"Yes, please." Orion turned to face the direction the stairs were. "The air is gonna make me grow mold in my lungs." She began walking toward the stairs.


"Yeah, yeah. You'll be fine. We haven't been in here all that long anyway." Lin held up his hand so that the flame illuminated the area around them. "C'mon."


Lin coughed weakly and shrugged, honestly not doing great with all the dust down in the empty warehouse. "There were stairs down, so it's safe to assume there's stairs up…"


"I guess? Assuming that this dust—" He interrupted himself with a coughing fit, "—d-doesn't make it too hard for me to breathe…"