forum Would you rule with me?
Started by @Fenrir

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"really? Tell me when have you ever seen a clean, famous, artist. Then I'll change my statement." He said, shoving his hands into his jacket


"further points my point then." He said with a smirk, glancing at her and trying to meet her eyes


He fought the urge to brush his hand against her cheek "I'm fairly certain we've passed your dorm." He said, gesturing to the town


He smiled down at her, thinking it adorable that she bounced around. "Want me to walk you back?"


"so, you do any sports?" Keith asked, not knowing what else to talk about as they walked to her dorm


"Not really, but I grew up on a farm, working around the animals. So I never really had time to get into sports and that sort of thing." She watched him out of the corner of her eye, studying him for a reaction.


He nodded and smiled "up at the days light, asleep by 1:00 in the morning." he laughed and ran a hand through his hair


"I'm sadly a city boy, I grew up in the rough town of Chicago and ate the best pizza known to man since birth. the comotion and the street life keep you busy, so I guess you could say i grew up in the Suburban countryside." He smiled back at her and shrugged "acually quite fun."


"Gods above no. My parents always tried getting me into them but I always hated sports." He glanced at her "you?"


"THe extreme of the extreme." he nodded in agreement "that's sounds like way more fun than living in the city."


"At least you can get that experience now, here at college," he said, glancing up as her dorm building came into view too soon


He smiled and pulled his hood over his head, shielding his eyes into darkness "Only if you want to." he called over his shoulder


Keith sighed and walked off towards his own dorm, only a few blocks away from Kenzie's "that went well…" He laughed and shook his head


Keith laied on his bed and thought about the day he had with kenzie smiling as he recalled the moment when they played the piano and guitar