"Well then be my guest."
He says walking into the room after her. The sleek black grand piano in the left far corner, the dim light of the room reflecting off of it.
"I guess there's no other seat…..well I guess the bench is supposed to be a two-person bench"
Does he say tapping his finger on his lips as he thought of what in the world would he possibly be able to do?!
She looked around the room before walking over to a green plastic seat with a back and placed it near the piano stool, sitting down herself onto the leathery cushion of the piano bench and letting her finger run over the keys before taking a deep breath. “Come, sit. You can wipe it off cuz’ it’s plastic” she hummed, her eyes sparkling as she looked over at him playfully
"I would much rather stand thank you. Those plastic seats gather germs like none other."
He says leaning up against the wall as he watched her play. Normally he would be quite furious if he saw someone else using the piano while he was in the room. He would just have to play the keyboard. It wasn't too bad, but the piano was much more elegant. By far his favorite instrument.
She laughed softly at his declaration before letting her fingertips slide over the keys, soon finding a few she needed to start the song. She took a deep breath, her exhale shaky and nervous before she pressed down on the first note.
He stood there silently, listening to the notes flowing together. Watching her fingers glide along the shiny white keys. He would normally be thinking about how he would have to clean them as he watched but….this time he was captivated. He was surprised that someone else in the ward knew how to play the piano so beautifully as well as him.
And for a few seconds, he forgot where he was. Not in music therapy. And not in a rather small room with a girl he just met. Not in a mental correction facility. Maybe he was home? Maybe in his mind….
But snapping back into reality he had to face the facts. He had to come back to the harsh winds and stones reality constantly throws at him.
But right now, it wasn't all that bad really.
She soon finished the song, exhaling before tipping her head back, having teared up while playing the song. She always got emotional while playing, so she didn't do it often. She looked up at him, pushing her hair out of her face before placing her hands on the leather seat, biting her lip as she struggled to keep back the tears.
"So, am I any good?" she asked, her eyes sparkling in the lights of the room.
He took a deep breath in, opening his eyes, that were closed almost throughout the whole song.
"Definitely. Why're you crying though?" He asks her as he turned to face her a little bit. He was about to sit down next to her, but since she was crying, he figured she wouldn't want him to.
She laughed, wiping the tears from her face when she noticed a nurse swiftly making her way over to the two. She grabbed his hand and darted out of the room quickly, not really wanting to have explained to yet another nurse why she was crying. She sneakily brought him to her room, closing the door behind them and wedging the door shut with her desk chair.
"Sorry, I really don't like those nurses."
"Uhm….okay?" He says letting go of her hand and getting out his cloth from his back pocket. "I don't really thinkk we were allowed to do that though…" He says looking up from his hands as he folded the cloth once he was done wiping his hands off.
"Miss rulebreaker we've got here" a little smirk appears on his face, the corner of his lip curved up as he slipped the cloth in his pocket.
She noticed the change in his expression and stance when he slipped the cloth into his back pocket. “Are you different?” she asked, hoping that that was an okay way to ask. “We’re not allowed to, that’s the point.” she laughed softly, flopping down on the queen sized bed
"I do not understand what " different" means but okay," he says with a sigh, then turning to look around her room. "You have a nice room…" He steps over to the desk, looking at everything on it, then back at the chair that was wedged against the door to keep it shut.
She nodded, pushing her hair out of her face. “Parents are rich” she muttered, biting her lip nervously. She couldn’t tell what this personality was, but she had a guess or two from his stance
He postured up a tad, making sure not to touch anything. Way too dirty for his taste. Though is seemed a lot cleaner than most places.
"Rich parents huh?" He says stepping over to the bed, tempted to sit on it but deciding against it.
"Tragic" he mumbled under his breath as he glanced over to the door.
She looked down at her lap, suddenly self conscious. “Yeah, I guess you could say that” she muttered back, making sure he noticed she’d heard. She glared at him for a moment as a blush lit up her face. She hated the blush, but it was reaction her body had on her anxiety
"Anyway, why do we have to be in here?" He asks stepping away from the door and over to her desk. He was still taking in everything. Which always took him a while when he came into a new environment.
“You can leave if you want, I don’t know why, I guess this was the first place I thought of when I thought ‘hide’” she muttered, laying back down on her bed. “If you aren’t comfortable you can leave”
"No its fine. It's more comfortable than a lot of places. Is there a chair or anything in here though? Other than the one against the door that is"
He says looking around. He wasn't about to be rude and just sit down wherever. Even if he was in a mental ward, he had manners.
“Yeah, the one next to the desk” she replied, scratching the back of her neck as she sat up on the bed. She was flushed pink, trying her best not to make him any more uncomfortable
"Oh right. Huh, I must not have seen that. I apologize" he says pulling the chair out, dusting it off slightly and sitting on it. He didn't want to seem like he was being rude.
"So uh, how long are you staying here?"
“I don’t know, I mean my mom probably isn’t coming back for me so another year ‘till I’m eighteen I guess” she replied, pulling her sweater closer to her body
"How old are you? Sorry i didn't read your form earlier." He crosses his legs over the other as he looked around the room, then back at her. He couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she was.
She wipes a tear from her cheek, her eyes over watering easily. “Seventeen. You?” she asked, glancing up at him before noticing he was looking at her. Her blush turned a ferocious red, making her entire body heat up.
He got a little confused when she turned red, but tried to ignore it. "Eighteen. Nobody cares to take me out. I'm too dangerous to be taken out anyway. So I can't come out even if I'm eighteen. But you only have one more year don't you?" He says leaning on the desk slightly with his elbow, his cheek leaning on his palm, squishing his cheek in some how….almost cute way.
He couldn't help but be distracted by her red cheeks. "A-are you okay? Are you sick or something?" He asks her in concern. Though he couldn't help but think it was rather cute.
When he leaned into his palm she flushed even redder, her eyes zoning out into his unintentionally. When she heard his voice she snapped out of the daze, her eyes falling to the floor once again. "Y-yeah… I'm fine." she muttered, rubbing her cheek in attempt to try and get out the colour.
He stood up and stepped over to her. He soon gazed down at her, towering over her body sitting on her bed.
He bent down and looked at her face, placing the backside of his hand on her forehead, then the other side on her cheek, cupping her cheek with his rather big, freckled hand. "You're a bit warm. Hm, you might want to get that checked out soon if it gets any worse" he says gently removing his hand from her soft cheek and standing up straight.
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