forum Why do i love you so much? (OxO CLosed)
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(haha hes such an interesting character. Okay so the
childish fun cutesy one is James Levi
the ocd ones just goes by Levi
The awkward talkative gentle giant is Just James (the one thats "in the light" right now
theres the quiet one, never talks, hums little songs to himself all of the time, and expresses things through action alone: Levi James
THEN theres the psychopath, pure psychopath and his names Jamasine (Jame U sin)
Then the one thats super emotional, crying alot, apalogaizing alot, hes Leviathan.
Then theres the flirty douchebag whos, just….SUCH A MAJOR FLIIIIIIRT his Hes fine with just being called flirt for all he cares.
He doesnt have a name, everyone calls him flirty though (everyone as in his other personilities)

so review if that was to much lol

Cutie pie: James Levi
Ocd gentleman: Levi
Awkward gentle giant: James
Quiet boi: Levi James
Psychopath: Jamasine
Emotional cry baby aka sad Boi: Leviathan
Flirty……litterally anything you want, call him flirt for all he cares he loves nicknames.


"It's fine, and I don't know if 'switched' is the right word to use, but I guess it's fine."
He looks over at her, talking in the softness of his voice.
"Why are you so pretty huh?"
He mumbles to himself rather loudly though. The squirrel bouncing up and down away from them as he turned his head.
"Sorry, I didn't mean that… Levi did…… I mean….you are pretty but…. I didn't mean to say that, I didn't say that, Levi did."
He says referring to the clean personality.
"I don't know why he did say that though…..he wants to know so you should answer him later"
He says suddenly fully turning to her
"oh I'm sorry, am I talking too much or being to blunt? I apologize, tell me when to shut up, because I need it"
He says laughing a bit.

"Don't being blunt, at all. I'm flattered" she replied, not being able to speak properly. "Cute squirrel huh" she hummed, watching the squirrel skitter away.

(Sorry it's not much, I'm a bit busy)


“No, I just think they’re afraid of people” she replied, keeping her distance so he wouldn’t get upset with her again. “They’re timid creatures. Beautiful but timid.” She hummed, letting a butterfly land on her ring finger

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Looking back at the tree with a smile, then he looked at her, in awe
"How'd you do that?"
He says turning to her, careful not scare the butterfly….or her for that matter.


“Butterflies like me” she muttered, smiling softly over at him as she watched the monarch flitter higher onto her arm.

She eyes sparkled in the faint sunlight, her eyes flickering across the butterfly’s beautiful coloured wings

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"I'm jealous"
She says sitting on a nearby bench. He loved animals and nature itself so much. Watching her with a smile, his blue eyes glimmering off of the sunlight, but she was more beautiful, as he could take his eyes off if her.


The butterfly soon flew off, her attention coming back to James Levi (or any abbreviation of that). She also soon noticed that his eyes were glued to her, a pink blush rushing to her cheeks. “Uh-… the butterfly was really pretty huh?” She asked, trying to push the attention off of her. She was never used to compliments or someone paying attention to her, she she didn’t know how to deal with it yet

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Stepping towards her, only a single step,
He says as his eyes flutter to butterfly, floating into the sky.
"um…, whyre you here? I mean i-if you dont mind me asking of course!!"
He says nervously, avoiding eye contact while rubbing the back of his neck.


“Out here in the garden or in the hospital in the first place?” She asked, pushing her hair out of her face after she spoke. She watched him carefully, trying to keep down a blush when she noticed he was looking at her. Gods he was handsome

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"ah! Im so sorry i wasnt clear about that….."
He says looking to the side, towards a little pond. Behind the hospital, the garden had been here ever since he came here when he was 16. They had just finished the pond two years ago, it went into a little stream with a bridge going over it. Koi fish swirling around in the crystal clear water.
"um…. i would like to know why you are out here too….but i was asking about….when you….ya know….came here to the hospital?"


“It’s alright.” She replied, brushing hair behind her ear. She shifted slightly, clearing her throat. “Severe anxiety is all I’m giving you right now” she said, looking down at her hands as she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.

“I’m out here because we met in the cafeteria, and then we came out here after you ran out. So we stayed out here since there’s too many people in there” she explained, humming softly

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"oh…..seems like James."
He says with a tiny chuckle as he ran his fingers through his hair, looking down at the ground with a smile.
"Well…… appearently im dangerous…"
He says looking back up at her, regretting the fact that he even said that.
Great, im gonna scare her off


"You don't seem dangerous to me. Just more sensitive to certain situations than some people are. That doesn't make you weird or dangerous" she replied, watching him innocently. When he smiled butterflies shot in her stomach, a smile of her own forcefully made its way onto her lips.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"well… you dont know me….. Jamasin is more dangerous though."
He says as he looks back to the ground, awkwardly laughing his nervousness away quietly.
Giving her a sideglance, her rather cute smile seemed to make him a little less anxious.


You don’t seem dangerous” she muttered, biting her lip as she watched two nurses walk by the entry way. Her dimples showed prominently as she grinned , her eyes sparkling softly

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Well….i dont but…..anyway, have you been out here before? Oh….wait did i already ask that?"
He says desperately trying to change the subject, not really wanting to talk about Jamasin.


"No actually, haven't asked me that yet" she smiled, feeling the tension shift and realizing he no longer wanted to talk about his personalities. "I've been out here a bit before. I like watching the birds and bees and butterflies" she explained, hesitating to look him in the eyes.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Leading her by the hand, unlike the others, he didn't mind touching people, unless it's unwanted touching, then he might flip.
Once say got to the pond, which was only about five seconds, he let go of her hand, now looking down at the swirling colors of red, white, orange and sometimes black, swish around in the pond, the water reflecting the light from the sun coming down through the leaves of the trees.


She blushed softly, wrapping her fingers around his when he took a hold of her hand. Her eyes lit up when she saw the fish, the colours reflecting in her eyes as she watched them swim around gracefully in the pond. "Pretty" she purred, her hand still intertwined with his.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

stop that! Stop it now-
"Ah sorry, i didnt mean to……"
He says pulling his hand away from hers quickly. Everybody else was yelling at him too much. He hated it, but they would hurt him if he didn't. And anyway, he had no idea if she liked being touched or not.