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forum Who wants a romance o/o? (OPEN)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 41 followers

Deleted user

"I don't want him to know yet," she said quietly. Her fingers brushed over the tattoo.

Deleted user

Laura took a deep breath. "That's why there's a tattoo of shattered glass on my hip."

Deleted user

"She was in a car accident. It was fatal," she whispered sadly.

Deleted user

"She was four!" Laura cried quietly. "I should've died instead of her!"

Deleted user

"She was four! She deserved to live!" Laura spilled everything out in front of them.

Deleted user

Laura wiped at her eyes again. "Her name was Sierra," she whispered.

Deleted user

(I just came in here to say, @thighhighcrocs , your name is wonderful)

Deleted user

(I know that those are rainboots, but just imagine literal thigh high crocs)