forum Who wants a romance o/o? (OPEN)
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 41 followers

Deleted user

She took it and her fingers ran over the page. The letters were drawn elegantly, in her peace. The next page, however, held words of anger and pain. She shut the book quickly. "Thanks…"


"Now that's a good name. Aaron wanted to get another cat, and when I asked what he would name it, he said 'something like Samantha', and I questioned if we were actually related. Smokey is such a cute name."

Deleted user

Laura rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah, I-I thought it was cute. We got her when she was just a kitten."

Deleted user

She reached towards him and brushed their fingers together. "Oh."

Deleted user

She smiled shyly. "Y-You can meet Smokey if you come to my house…"