forum Who wants a romance o/o? (OPEN)
Started by Deleted user

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Nicky jumped up, not letting go of her hand, and pulled her over. "Guys, this is Laura. Laura, this is Mitchell, Renee, Lily, and Rico." He pointed at each of them in turn, Rico giving a short nod, Renee smiling brightly, and Lily waving shyly. Mitchell had his nose buried in a book, but lifted his hand in a wave.

Deleted user

"Hi," Laura whispered shyly and lifted her hand in a timid wave. Her hair was in front of her face again.

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Laura was blushing furiously, something that was unusual for her. Dammit, Laura…

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Laura glanced up quickly and nodded. She wanted so badly to write… her fingers itched for words…


"Hey, I'm gonna take her on a tour of the house. See you guys around!" He lead her back up the stairs, an once they were definitely out of earshot, standing in the hallway, he leaned against a wall. "They're so mean to me. You looked like you needed a break though."

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"You all live here together?" she asked, looking at the photographs.


"Not technically, but they spend more time here than at their own places. We have a guest bedroom that's always being used, and our couch shares the same fate."

Deleted user

She nodded. "Is this you?" she asked pointing to one of the picture.


"Sadly. I was a weird looking kid." It was a picture of a gangly looking version of him, covered in wet sand as he posed on a beach, a large hand dug hole in the sand next to him.


"Ugh, yeah. I was looking for treasure, because Aaron convinced me that a shitty map he had carved into drift wood with a rock would lead me to a pirate treasure."


"This is honestly probably the most interesting area besides the basement, so why don't I take you to the kitchen slash living room area?" He asked, already walking backwards down the hall.