forum Werewolves and Chew Toys
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Larkin huffed a bit, still wanting to pout, but unable to keep himself from pushing his head into Samul's hand for more pets.


Larkin whined needily, closing his eyes as he melted into Samul's touch. His tail wagged a bit and he pressed closer to his boyfriend.


Larkin arched his back against the petting and whined louder, his tail wagging harder. "Mmmm~" He couldn't help but grin, obviously liking the attention.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul took the movement as an opportunity to pull Larkin closer to his chest, his hands still scratching Larkin's back and his head. He didn't think they'd be taking this in another direction, yet, but would if Larkin wanted to. He doubted it would happen, though.


Larkin buried his face further into Samul's shoulder, happy to receive the petting. "What time is it?" He asked after a bit.


"Suuuuure…" Larkin rested his head on Samul's shoulder. "Probably a movie because I don't feel like using brain."