forum "We'll go on an adventure, when we escape these prison walls!" (Closed)
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Well, when all your RPs are inactive what do you expect? So yeah, I have an idea, and I decided to put a writing sample of what I want to get to do, but most of the time can't do to the fact I get one-liners too often in RPs. I will do everything in my power to do long responses, but before I do any of that, let's get some rules RQ~


  • This is gonna be a MxF RP, I don't have a preference on which character I play, I'll let you decide on your character first.
  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply!
  • Swearing is OK, but please, please keep it to a minimum if possible.
  • We aren't gonna do much steamy stuff. If it has to be taken to the inbox, we're taking it a little far.
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays are difficult days for me to post, so not really a rule, but if you're reading this you'll know ;)
  • No one liners. I'm being 100% serious, two sentences at least. Dialogue and action, that's what's required if you do two sentences. Something I can respond to.
  • I have a right to say no, and ask you for a writing sample myself, just because I'm looking for something specific!

Alright, after you've read the rules, I'll go ahead and give you a writing sample of what I am capable of if given the chance:

Melissa was furious, her heart began to pound heavily in her chest. "Calvin cares about you, he was telling me how much he loved you the other day." She began, attempting to stay calm. "He felt he failed you, but you coming to us when you escaped from your dad was something I knew he needed. We invited you to stay with us, we promised to protect you, and this is how you thank Calvin for all of this? We were trying to help you, really trying to help you, but you abused his givingness, and his willingness to help you out." She began to shout at Olivia angrily. "You have no idea how much pain it caused me seeing him this way, he scares me every day, every day he cries because he thinks he failed someone. Because he thinks he failed me, you, or anyone else for that matter. It kills me every single time Olivia, every time." At this point, tears were streaming down her cheeks, and she didn't care who she was yelling at. Even if this was her lover's only lovable family left.

Tada~ OK, not really that amazing, but that's my writing style. I do have another one I think I'll put down with more descriptions…

The night sky was painted with clouds, floating by with the steady wind of the night air. The moon at it's waxing phase, hung in the night sky. The streets were illuminated by the tall street lamps, lit brightly. The stars were barely visible, hidden behind clouds or invisible because of the bright streets. Sounds of people laughing, party music, and motorized transportation whizzed around echoing down the quieter streets.
Connie Hope pulled the bright yellow bandanna over her nose as she shook the spray paint can. A smile was hidden under the thin cloth, and shadowed by the bill of her baseball cap. "This is gonna be great." She laughed a bit with a hum. She held her hand out, a can of paint coming to her empty one. She knocked the lids off of both of them with her thumb nail, still shaking them up. "As long as I don't get caught." She muttered.

Not much better, but I can always improve as we go! I have an idea, I'll get it written out. (Oh, and if you want context for either, I can give it to you lol. But the second one is a lot more difficult to explain.)


You and I, we're here in the hospital together. Both of us are incredibly sick. I don't know what's going on, but we're the only ones with it. And the doctors are trying to keep it that way. We're isolated from our families and friends, and most anyone but the doctor that comes in with a hazmat suit every day. We're stuck here, and they won't tell us if we're dying or not. It scares me, and I've been getting more and more nightmares about it. But one night, I woke up from another one, and I was in your arms.

Prompt 2:

I hate you to no end. We're adults, and still in a petty hate relationship. But I am not letting you win this ongoing argument. We even started this competition, where we start going out. We kiss, and hug, and act like lovers. But that's the difficult part, we're not. I owe you twenty bucks if I fall in love with you, and in no way am I loosing that…but good gracious you're really, really hot.

Ahhhhh I believe that's all I have! Please ask to join, and know I'll be gone for awhile and will check this later tonight!

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

( @gracehustle, I'm gonna drop a template by and we can talk plot stuff tomorrow. I have to go to bed- Oof)

~Must Fill out~
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Least Favorites:


(Is she alright?)
First Name: Davina
Middle Name: Ashley
Last Name: Prince
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Power: Doesn't have any
Personality: Davina cares too much sometimes and has a stubborn streak to go with her mix of personality. Most of the time she's quiet but strangely cheerful through everything that's going on, most of the time her anger and worry are kept in check, but there are times she can have outbursts. more will surface in the rp.
Hair: Shoulder length and more unruly than imaginable, her hair is a dark brown and quite curly.
Face: Diamond shaped face, with the same deep brown colored eyes as her hair. Full lips and hundreds of freckles over her entire face.
Body: To put it simply, Davina is shaped like a twig. She is lanky and thin, only standing at about 5'7" if you don't count her hair in the mornings.
Clothing: Soft baggy pants or leggings and most of the time a sweatshirt
Favorites: She loves the colors gold and deep blue, and not coincidentally, she loves the night sky
Least Favorites: The doctor visiting, being stuck in the hospital without being able to see her parents or brothers.
Hobbies/Talents: She loves puzzles, more pieces the better
Weakness: Insomnia and nightmares are constant and even without those added in, she would rather look at the stars than sleep most nights
Family: Her family consists of her mother (Ashley Prince) Father (Joseph Prince) and two older twin brothers (Lucas) and (Thomas)


(Take your time! I think I know the character I'm gonna use, but I wanna make sure he works lol)

(Ok! If I need to modify Davina in any way so he fits I can do that :) )

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

~Must Fill out~
First Name: Apollo
Middle Name: Richard
Last Name: InDiego
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Power: N/A
Personality: Apollo is a sweet and quiet, super gentle and caring boy. Loving, and kind. Basically anything positive and you get Apollo! He is always up for a hug, and isn't easily angered. But he does have a rather tender side, so crying is rather easy for him. Though he tries to hide it, it never works. He almost always has a smile on his lips and is willing to listen. (I'm working on a profile for him, so you can see a better description of it there later on. It should be visible)
Hair: Apollo had super dark, powdery brown hair color that's almost black. He has short cut on the sides, and a full head of curls on top of his head, that are tight and close to his head, but still soft and fluffy.
Face: Apollo has Highly defined green-blue eyes that stand out against his pale face and rosy cheeks. He has soft features, with his only sharp feature, his jaw line which is more strong than sharp. His brows are much lighter than the curls on top of his head, and super softly shaped. He has light freckles, that are barely noticeable. He can't seem to grow facial hair, so he has a smooth face.
Body: He's really lean, and quite underweight, being around 115 or so pounds and 5'5'' tall. He's got almost no muscle build, and only the bare beginnings of a set of abs.
Clothing: Something simple, mostly sweat pants and soft cotton shirts. He doesn't normally wear shoes, only a pare of white socks.
Favorites: The woods, any wind or string instruments, herbal teas, writing/poetry
Least Favorites:Violence, spicy foods, isolation (ironic Ik)
Hobbies/Talents:Wood carving, playing the Mandolin, archery
Weakness: His deep insecurities that he hides behind a mask of sweet and lovingness.
Strength: Compliments mostly, they give him a boost.
Family: An older brother, and an Aunt name Clarissa.