"It's nice to meet you both, and yes, I'll definitely brink Jax along, just let me know when a good time to meet for you would be. I mostly work from home so any time is fine with me." He smiled down at jax who was not sitting down and looking around the area. "I'll let you two get back to work, we have to go home anyways since this one's getting hungry. He pulled on his backpack and wrapped his arm around the leash to make sure Jax's didn't run off again.
"I'll see you guys later! Thanks again!" he called as Jax yanked him down the street towards their apartment
“Woo! Look at that Oliver, the power of a dog. We’ve got lunch for a day covered now.” Wesley looked back to Oliver excitedly.
“The only reason that it’s any good is because of you slacking off.” Oliver brushed Wesley off and went back to the store.
If all Wesley did was inventory checks, then there’d still be restocking and organizing and every other possible check you could imagine. Luckily there were no customers in the store, and if there were, Wesley would deal with them.
First was a new piece of bubblegum, then restocking whatever needed to be restocked. Then check to see if there were any new shipments of items, and mopping, and then leaving. If the other employee showed up on time, or early.
Raz nudged the door open and dropped the leash to let Jax inside while he put everything away. "Crazy thing, thank you by the way." he teased, watching as the husky came over with his bowl and sat in front of Raz. He ruffled his fur "hold on, let me put everything away and then I'll deal with you." he kissed his head and set the book back in the bookshelf that extended the whole length of the living room. He set his phone and laptop to charge on a coffee table next to the couch and put his backpack on a hook near his bedroom. "Alright, time for dinner." he took the bowl from Jax and filled it with kibble and a bit of water. he set that down and picked up the water dish to refill it. "So you're trying to replace me with Wesly? do you no love me anymore Jax?" he teased, kneeling beside him and stroking his fur "tell you what, you get the girl while I get the guy," he laughed when the dog looked offended and hugged him before letting him eat. "i take that as a no."
Oliver started with his work, waiting for Wesley to return and get started too. She didn’t return very quickly though, probably talking to and with every dog on the street.
A call came in later as well, saying that the replacement employee for Oliver would be late. A disappoint to him, but not that big of a loss since he didn’t have much else to do. If he got a bonus for this, that would be amazing, but highly unlikely.
Wesley didn’t return until Oliver was nearly done with the first half of his work. Not a surprise for either person. “As fast as ever Oliver,” Wesley commented. “I went to get more dog biscuits by the way, for all the new friends I’ll make.”
Wesley seemed to be in a good mood, which was good for Oliver too, since it increased the chances of Wesley doing stuff.
Once Jax had finished, he curled up on the couch right. on to. of. Raz. "…jax….for the last time,I'm not a couch or a bed!" The dog just looked over at him cheekily and licked his face.
"Ughaah! Jax! fone, i guess i'm a couch." he wrapped his arms around the dog, trying to pat down his fur so that he could watch tv. "you're so freaking glad you're adorable and that I love you…" he mumbled, earning an 'awoo' from jax and a nudge. "yeah, yeah, i know." raz shook his head and shifted into a more comfortable position, letting Jax lie on top of him. "well, you do make a good blanket."
“Good for you, Wesley. You can do something productive now.” Oliver gave a thumbs up for emphasis.
Much to Oliver’s joy, Wesley did get started on something. Even if organizing was one of the easiest jobs, at least she did something. As long as Oliver could make it seem like she owed him something, it would hopefully be worth it in the end.
“Hey Oliver. What would you do if I bought you a better pair of sunglasses? Ones that actually looked good and weren’t out of fashion.”
He figured that Wesley would try to keep up a conversation while working. Probably another excuse to work slower.
“If you even think of touching my precious glasses, you will die by my hands Wesley.”
Raz had fallen asleep on the couch with Jax on top of him, the dog too, taking a little nap. He had been planning on working for a bit on his laptop, hoping to get ahead for the week with all the projects he had been sent and the rough drafts he had to revise but that could wait until later. A day of running around new York after his companion always made raz tired.
(skip? maybe to the lunch? unless you have an idea what to do with your characters?)
(We can skip to the lunch.)
“Dang, okay Oliver.” Wesley laughed. “Are you actually going to go to lunch?”
Oliver wanted to throw items off the shelves onto Wesley. Could she stop this conversation already? She’d probably end up forcing Oliver to go anyways.
“It doesn’t really matter if I decide to go or not, right?” He said.
Thankfully, Wesley ended off the conversation there. Though it didn’t seem like she was working any faster, so there was only one win for Oliver.
For the past hour and a half since Wesley called, Raz had been frantically searching online for the best lunch cafe/restaurant in the area. He had combed through page after page, blog after blog, review after review for the best food as well as for an affordable price. Jax nudged his leg and placed his head on top of his foot, looking for attention. "I know, I'm almost done." he scratched Jax's ear and finally chose a restaurant that wasn't too far from the park. Raz had been to this one before and had enjoyed it quite a lot, plus they were pet friendly so that was always good.
Wesley showed up at Oliver’s door nice and early knowing that he’d be nowhere near ready. Instead of waiting for him to answer the door, she used the ‘emergency’ key that she’d stolen off him from a while back.
She’d forced Oliver into some actual clothes and pulled him out into the world to have lunch. The only thing that annoyed Oliver the most, was that he didn’t have enough time to make sure he had enough gum for the day incase Wesley kept him out for longer. His sunglasses were also rather crooked before Wesley let him fix them.
“Just be glad that someone’s getting lunch for us Oliver.” Wesley tried to get Oliver into a better mood, but it wasn’t really working since she was evidently just going for the dog.
Raz pulled on a white a light blue sweatshirt from his closet along with some black leggings and some worn sneakers he had in the closet. He pulled a leash from the storage closet next to his bedroom and called Jax over, clipping the leash on and brushing back his fur. "ready to go handsome thing?" Raz kissed his head and grabbed a pair of sunglasses and his flower crown from his room and headed out, texting Wesley the address and that he was on his way there now.
Wesley pulled out her phone to check the message from Raz, ignoring whatever Oliver had said to her.
Wesley was about to announce something, probably excited for lunch. Oliver stopped her, “We better not stop to talk with every dog you see on the way.”
She looked at him like it was a joke. As if Wesley wasn’t going to do that, even if Oliver left her behind. Though she’d more likely be dragged along, and hopelessly reminded that there’d be a dog at lunch for her to spend all the time in the world with.
Raz grabbed a bag of treats last minute and headed out with Jax prancing beside him. He wasn’t going to bother with driving there, it was pretty close to his block plus it was still light outside so he wasn’t afraid of going out in the dark.
Raz made it to the restaurant first, sitting down at a table near the back and skimming through the menu with Jax at his feet. He knew the owners of the place were fine with allowing dogs on as long as they were trained so Raz wasn’t worried about getting kicked out. He ordered a pink lemonade and side of bread as he waited for Wesley and Oliver to come
After managing to drag Wesley far enough so that he could try and find Raziel, Wesley chose in that moment that she could walk on her own.
She ran up to Raziel and Jax, waving, “Sorry we had you waiting!”
Though it seemed more like she was just talking to the dog, and she proceeded with focusing only on Jax. Oliver dragged his feet and got himself to the table, still not ready to fo anywhere and annoyed that he had to drag Wesley all this way to get mildly on time.
“Sorry for being late. It’s on both of us this time, since I was sleeping in and Wesley needed me to drag her here- away from all of the dogs.”
Raz glanced up when he saw Wesley and Oliver arrive. “You didn’t! I don’t mind waiting anyways. Jax jumped up when he Wesley and proceeded to jump on her and lick her chin. “Jax easy,” Raz warned with a smile, glad that his dog was happy.
He glanced over at Oliver and offered a warm smile “oh! It’s alright! I’m the one who should be apologizing. I didn’t mean to pull you away from your rest. We could have rescheduled. I hope I didn’t make it would like an obligated thing you needed to go to.”
“I should probably go out more though. And for Wesley, anything involving a dog is worth more than everything else,” Oliver said, and sat down. “I should get out of the habit of sleeping until the afternoon sometimes, as well.”
At the very least, Raziel was polite. If Wesley was more manageable of herself, then everything would’ve been fine. Save, for Oliver being woken up way too early. If he kept with his usual schedule, he’d probably end up nocturnal though.
Raz shrugged his shoulders “taking a nap here and there is healthy.” He said, a small smile twitching at his lips as he watched Jax and Wesley play together.
“I’m glad Jax is getting more attention, he needs it, especially since I’m always doing work.”
He looked up at the waitress when she came by and ordered his food as well as a small dish of water for Jax and some plain beef tips.
Oliver didn’t know if his sleeping habits could be called ‘just having a nap’ and ‘healthy’. He also didn’t count the amount of sleep on girls average, so his opinion didn’t really matter.
He ordered only a drink, not wanting to have a weird aftertaste in his mouth. Bubblegum couldn’t work it’s magic if it didn’t taste right.
He yawned, very much disappointed he couldn’t ‘rest his eyes’ here, “You’ve got Wesley now though. Rather- your dog does. If you end up inviting her over, she become pretty attached.”
Raz's eyes widened slightly and he looked away from Oliver. "I'm sure it would be great, especially for Jax but uhm…I don't really like having people over anymore."he fiddled with his hands in his lap and took a deep breath.
"I'm sure we could meet up some place else though, if she ever wants to hang out with him again." he offered, still not looking up at Oliver. Instead he played with the straw of his drink, moving the ice cubes around.
“Hey, no pressure. There’s plenty of other dogs in the world. It’s not like I care about her addiction or whatever either.”
Oliver took note of Raziel’s reaction, then quickly switched to thinking about how much longer he’d need to be there. Probably not the best idea, and he didn’t really need to get out of there fast. But, he couldn’t help himself. Maybe he’d go back to sleep after this. He could go see his mother too- that might be a good idea.
He offered a small smiled and nodded "true, there are. Jax might get jealous though." He looked up at Oliver, seeing that he was lost in thought. "if there's somewhere else you need to be, i wouldn't be offended if you left. I'm sure you weren't planning on spending your afternoon with some stranger you met a few days ago and his dog. he glanced down at Jax momentarily to make sure he was alright with Wesley before looking back up at Oliver.
“It’s fine. I’m in no rush, and my mother will just keep on telling me to go out more and make friends. I guess Wesley just isn’t enough for her,” Oliver tried a smile. “The only thing that’s really important would be to just go to sleep again, but that can wait. I I also technically have to make sure Wesley get’s back okay before she gets kidnapped or something.”
Oliver was bluffing a bit, but apparently other people’s feeling were very important in upholding healthy relationships. His mother would be happy to hear that he had lunch with someone other than himself though- however she could express that happiness.
Raz chuckled softly "I'm sure she would be proud, even if it is with a stranger." he found it endearing when Oliver spoke about his mother or about how he wanted to make sure Wesley got home safely, even if he seemingly was annoyed by the girl.
"So are you two a couple? if you don't mind me asking." he asked sheepishly, not wanting to intrude on their business, he just wanted to know more about them, it would be good for him if he could expand his very limited social circle.
“I couldn’t tell you Wesley’s favourite colour. We are definitely not a couple, and I don’t normally see her out of work at all.” Oliver understood where Raziel was coming from, but he was very dissapointed in the fact that he was being associated with Wesley. “She kind of just depends on me to cover her slacking, so she’s just leeching.”
Now, while talking to someone properly, other than Wesley, he could see why his mother encouraged him to make more friends. Or at least sort of. It was also better to have someone with a different personality than Wesley.
"Ah I see, sorry for making the assumption." he ducked his head in embarrassment and took a sip of his drink. "Well, then her are Jax are one in the same," he noted with a small laugh, for some reason shy around oliver. "they both leech off of people. Yet we still deal with them, more or less, happily."