( It's admirable how fast you write! I take a long time just to collect my thoughts and try to formulate a reply that "sort of makes sense" much less watch for grammar+punctuation mistakes T_T I'm pretty sure you could finish a reply before I finish mulling over one flsdajfskl)
( Should they be told separately -as in when they get out of their tent and their fathers inform them of the details- so they approach each other believing that they're the one that's being weird, but really they were both told the same thing? lol )
( Another random thing I realized,,, Eirlys is acting like a tsundere schoolgirl that's sensitive to everything "senpai" facepalm x102032910 I guess he has become this because of my writing, so better embrace it lmaO)
".. Don't be unprofessional." Eirlys scowled in distaste, having been successfully reminded of his hatred for all things Kevran. He was sure not all of them were this infuriating, but at the moment it was all he could think of. The Kevran prince seemed to be staring at him intently, making Eirlys lean back in an attempt to put more distance between them. He cringed when his back hit the chair, realizing this was the best he could do for now. If they weren't in such an.. Inconvenient place, he would've attempted to cover his face.
A small part of him latched on to the way Nikolas said his name, though that was swatted away the instant he spotted the look Nikolas gave him- Perhaps it wasn't for him, but it definitely had something to do with his people. Eirlys didn't like others looking down on his people. However, it wasn't only reason. Even though it was but for a brief moment, he saw a familiar face that he hadn't expected, at least during this meeting. Or even, from the prince in general. It surprised him. Eirlys kept a straight face, though his hands inched closer to his sword in case things got out of hand.
It was no secret that war did things to people, even if Eirlys had never personally been affected because of his.. affliction. But he had seen it work its magic on his people, as well as the Kevrans. Often in the midst of combat, he'd spot one or two of them, the pain and anger from influences in the past taking over their logical reasoning. They were also the ones that he killed the quickest. If they utilized the adrenaline rush correctly and strategically used their strengthened abilities, they may have survived longer. But Eirlys barely met those kinds of people. Nevertheless, they ultimately died by his hands. Nikolas..
What have you been through? Something that makes you like this?
He blinked, surprised he had been thinking about the prince. Eirlys looked back at the prince, examining his face for answers to his questions. The Kevran prince had ruffled his hair a few seconds before, and Eirlys felt an inexplicable urge to tuck it behind his ear like he did whenever his own hair fell. Strange. He thought, wondering why he was acting so weird today. It must have been because he hadn't properly eaten his breakfast this morning. He never felt right if he didn't eat enough. Yes, that must be it.