Opals POV
Opal stayed true to her word and kept an ear out for Winston, but she hadn’t heard anything during the debriefingyet, and so far it had been smooth sailing. They were all but done, but that didn’t change the fact that she couldn’t help the tightness in her chest every time they brought up Pasithea. Suddenly Winston’s mood seemed to change to shock, but before she could ask what was wrong he was out of her range.
Alec’s POV
Alec had barely done any prep, but this bank was the one he was gonna rob. Sure, it was close to the hero headquarters, but he would be fine as Kong’s s he was quick. That red haired, scary, superhero girl had spoiled his last loot, but nothing was gonna ruin this one. He sucked in breath. Here goes nothing. And with that, he uttered his battle cry, “FOR THE MEMES!”
Anthony’s POV
I yawned, letting my head loll back against the brick wall. It was nearly 10:30…. Either the heroes were severely behind schedule, or the Alliance was sorely mistaken about their desperation to hire me. “We’ll see soon enough…” I muttered, pushing myself to my feet.
Don, the unfortunate street dog is accidentally turned into a grotesque on my first week of being out on the streets with Samuel, shambled close to me, baring his freakishly large teeth in something vaguely resembling a smile. But I only turned away, the small sentiment turning my sentiment. “Stupid thing…”
Winston’s POV
Winston engrossed himself with the maps the guard had given him, marking recent citings. He didn’t even understand half the markings, and tried to puzzle out what they meant. He was so focused that it was quite possible he could pass by Remedy without noticing.
Anthony’s POV
Just as he turned away from the pathetic canine, the healer caught sight of a familiar face on the other side of the shop windows. Ah, the ridiculous hero from last night. Firefly, was it not? The pitiful super was too engrossed in his stack of maps to notice him as he passed…. of course.
Sighing to himself, he approached the glass and tapped sharply, trying to attract the boy’s attention.
Ae-Ri’s POV
Ae-Ri sat through the entire deobreiding without batting an eyelash, a picture of stoic assurance and fabricated boredom. She glided smoothly over the subject of Pasithea, revealing none of what had actually happened between the villain and her friend, and by the time the session was done, the (debriefer?) appeared to be fairly pleased with the work they’d done.
Winston’s POV
Winston jumped as he heard a sharp rapping on the glass nearby. He fumbled with the files, almost droppping them. After steadying himself, Winnie looked around, spotting the terrifying person he was looking for. His skin paled a little, but he managed to keep his glow under control this time. “Uh… um—hey? Hi?”
Opals POV
Opal decided to wait until she and Ae-Ri were dismissed before telling her about Winston leaving. Thankfull the debriefer finished up only a few minutes after he left. As they exited the front of the building, she opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off. It appears that talk about what had happened with Pasithea was finally here.
Alec’s POV
Alec wasn’t entirely sure what his plan was, but he decided he would try his best. That always seemed to work out.
Anthony’s POV
I rolled my eyes, beckoning to Firefly with a curl of my pointer finger. ”Come in,” I mouthed, ”Can’t hear you through the glass.”
Overcome by curiosity, a sickly, pallid grotesque shuffled up o the glass and pressed her—it’s—face against it, staring at the boy with its one, huge eye….the eye I had accidentally created by collapsing the bridge of a woman’s nose and partially liquefying her eyeballs until they joined as one.
Ae-Ri’s POV
I pressed my mouth into a thin line, looking away from Opal. “We’re going up to my room. Tell Winston to meet us there.”
Winston’s POV
I flinched back, feeling my breathing grow ragged. Why me? I wondered silently. I asked the same question while I was being debriefed and everyone refused to answer me. Maybe I was just unlucky? But whatever it was— I couldn’t feel it’s presence now as I stood outside the shop, frozen with fear.
Anthony’s POV
Anthony arched an eyebrow. Firefly had just….. frozen up directly outside the abandoned shop. Sighing, he mouthed ”I’m waiting,” and turned away.
Winston’s POV
Anthony’s movement distracted Winnie from the… thing at the window. He forced himself to walk to the door, each step a struggle. Why not anyone else that’s more capable of this? His hands shook as he gently pushed the door open, sucking in a sharp breath of air as a failed attempt to soothe his quaking nerves.
Anthony’s POV
“Good morning,” Anthony called lazily over his shoulder, rubbing the head of the canine grotesque in a way that might have been called affectionate if his expression hadn’t been one of disgust and disdain. “What brings Firefly to the most dangerous and crime-filled sector of the city?”
Winston’s POV
Winnie tried to keep his eyes off the creature. Stay calm. He won’t hurt you. His self assurance lacked severely anyways, fear edging into his expression. “I um…” He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “I came looking for you.”
Anthony’s POV
Anthony arched an eyebrow, fighting back a satisfied smirk. Finally. Pretend you’re surprised, don’t agree too quickly. He turned to face the boy, motioning for him to come closer. Behind him, the small army of grotesques shifted curiously, watching the pair.
“And why would that be?”
Winston’s POV
Winnie reluctantly moved away from the door, gripping tightly onto the files. He eyed the grotesques shifting ing the background. His glow brighted to about the level of a flashlight unconsciously as he halted about a foot away from Remedy. “The World Guard has some stuff for you.” He fumbled with the files, holding out the one with the information. I—Uh… I’m just the messenger.” He mumbled, clearly implying the old adage of don't shoot the messenger.
Opals POV
Opal softly shook her head. “ I can’t reach him, he’s already left the building.” She looked around. “I don’t know where he went, but he seemed too shocked to answer me.”
Alecs POV
Alec knew he should probably hurry, but what was life without risk?
Anthony’s POV
Anthony snorted loudly, eyeing the package without taking it from Firefly’s hand. Keep cool, pretend you have no idea what’s happening…
“Since when is the World Guard interested in me?” he asked instead, doubt dripping from his tone. “What’s all this for?”
Opals POV
Opal softly shook her head. “ I can’t reach him, he’s already left the building.” She looked around. “I don’t know where he went, but he seemed too shocked to answer me.”
Ae-Ri’s POV
Ae-Ri frowned.
“We’ll figure it out. Come on, my place.” Her tone made it clear that this was not up for discussion.
Opals POV
Opal followed her slightly dejected, she knew it was coming, but it didn’t make it any easier. They stayed quiet all the way until. The walk to the room was long and tense until they got to the door.
Winston’s POV
Winnie still held his arm out, silently wishing Remedy would just take the file from him. He tapped his foot on the floor, unable to hide his anxiety about this conversation. “Uhh… hang on a sec.” He switched files, opening up the one on Anthony. “They said to do some modifyin’ or somethin’…” He trailed off, squinting at the paper. He brought it closer to his face, his blurry vision obscuring the small print.
Anthony’s POV
“Tell me in plain terms, damn it,” Anthony snapped, taking the file from Firefly’s hand. “What do they want with me, and why now?”
Ae-Ri’s POV
“Why would you do that?!” Ae-Ri snapped as soon as the door was closed behind them. “Opal, what the hell were you thinking?”
Winston’s POV
Winnie flinched at Remedy snatched the file out of his hand. “There’s a little speech on the second page they wanted me to shake up for you.” He muttered, gesturing to the page his vision was blurring the words on. “My vision can be crazy smudgey.” He attempted a joke despite the fact he was shaking from fear.
Anthony’s POV
Anthony growled, turning away. “What. Do. They. Want? Stop stammering and tell me. I’m not reading this whole thing.” He shook the paper.
Winston shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He won’t hurt you. It’s okay. It’s okay. Everything’s fine. He began to bite at his fingernails nervously. “Sorry, uh… They want you. There’s information and such in the packet— file? The thing you’re holding.” He spoke quickly, gritting his teeth from stress.
Anthony nodded crisply, leafing briefly through the file. A dubious expression remained plastered to his face the entire time. “They’re getting desperate, hm?” he spoke finally, just as Samuel bounded up to the hero.
Winston’s POV
Winnie staggered back a few steps, a whimper escaping his lips. Instead of glowing brightly, he seemed to do the complete opposite, the light he emitted growing almosted unnoticeable as he flickered into the background, his skin taking on the coloring of the window and street behind him.