Tyler sighed and stood up, glaring at Lochlin momentarily before dragging him by the arm a little ways away from their table. "Don't act like the psychopath you are. Don't be annoying. And don't compliment my wife." He told Lochlin, keeping a firm grip on his arm.
Lochlin smirked. “So that’s your wife? I’m impressed, Tyler. You landed a pretty one.”
Tyler just ignored him, rolling his eyes slightly. "I'm debating whether to trust that you won't be an ass like normal, or leave you out on the streets."
Lochlin placed a hand on his chest, as if offended. “Ouch, Tyler, that hurt. I’m not an ass. But fine, I’ll play nice. Introduce me to your wife?”
Tyler sighed and shook his head, a hint of a smile on his lips. “You are. And yeah, only if you behave, she has a low opinion of you already.”
Macha approached them before Lochlin could respond, her arms crossed.
Tyler turned to face her, startled a bit by her sudden appearance. “Oh, hey. Lochlin, this is Macha. Macha, Lochlin.” He said awkwardly.
“Mm,” she muttered, giving the stranger a hard look. “I expect you to obey my rules. Break one, and you’re out. You do your own laundry. Clean your own mess. No threats. No murdering anything. No shapeshifting to confuse me. And not a single foot in mine and Tyler’s room without permission. Also——I have a friend who sometimes stays with us. Sensitive past. Flirt with or touch her and you’re out on the street before you can blink.”
Tyler nodded along with her rules, taking their coffees and paying Rowan with a smile. He recoiled slightly when he handed Macha her coffee. “Is this straight caffeine?”
“Yeah,” she muttered distractedly, “Haven’t slept all week. Need sustenance.”
Lochlin raised an eyebrow at this, but nodded. “Fine, I agree.”
“You’ve been living off caffeine for the past week? That’s not good.” Tyler muttered to himself, shaking his head a little and paying no attention to Lochlin.
“It’s fine,” she muttered, “Let’s go?”
“Uh, Yeah..” Tyler brushed his hand against hers as they left, giving her the option of taking it if she wanted.
Macha gladly slipped her hand into his, taking a deep drink from her cup even as her expression contorted into one of disgust. “Bleurgh. So bitter.”
“That’s what you get for drinking it.” Tyler smiled over at her, offering his coffee to her.
She declined with a quiet chuckle, ignoring the eye roll Lochlin sent in their direction. “Oh, and Lochlin? You’re not allowed to use the oven or the stovetop without a supervisor.”
Tyler looked back at him and shrugged, still smiling.
He let go of Macha’s hand when they reached the house, walking in behind them. “Your room’s the second one on the left, upstairs, Lochlin.” Tyler told him, gesturing toward the stairs.
Morrigan emerged from the kitchen, glowering at the turquoise-haired newcomer and wielding a rubber-ended spatula. “Drop the illusion.”
“Hello to you too,” Lochlin muttered, wincing in pain as he forced his facial features to realign.
“Everyone calm down.” Tyler sighed, turning to Macha. “What were you working on when I came back?” He asked, trying to distract her if possible.
Macha groaned in response. "Project. Due in two days. Don't remind me."
"I'll try not to again then," he laughed a little, forgetting momentarily that there were other people in the room. Macha was the only one that really mattered at this moment.
(Would you mind taking control of Lochlin every once and a while? Sorry it’s just sort of awkward of me to be controlling Mach, Mor, and him, plus I think it’d be kind of cool to have Lochlin/Morrigan interactions?)
While Norrigan and Lochlin glared daggers at each other, Macha inclined her head to the stairs. “Let’s go up?”
(Sorry, I won’t respond for a while. Something came up and I don’t know if I’ll be able to)
(don't worry about it, I hope everything is fine)