forum There are voices in our heads rp (Closed)
Started by @basil_

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(Yee me too. She’s one of my main characters and I love her)

“Well I intend on lasting longer than a week.” North rolled her eyes. “A little pathetic if you ask me. It’s just a big building with locked doors and a bunch of mentally unstable idiots.” She said, eyeing the other people in the room.


(for what?)

"I don't think I'll be okay. I know I'll be okay." She said, her laugh turning to a glare. "Everyone here is scared. They feel threatened by each other and won't do anything to you unless you do something to them."


(Music competition)

“You’ve got a lot to learn, kid,” he chuckled. “Take it from the guy who’s been here for six years.”


"Wow that's great, I'm so proud of you. Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you have more experience even though that might be surprising to you." She retorted.


"Wow that's great, I'm so proud of you. Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you have more experience even though that might be surprising to you." She retorted.

“I can pretty much guarantee that I have more experience than you, sweetheart,” he chuckled. “Try me.”


(np :)

"Then how come you've been here for six years, huh?If you had any experience then you would've found the weakness of this place and used them to get out of here." She narrowed her eyes a little. "But I don't think you want to leave..I think you're scared of leaving because you have nowhere to go."


“I’ve escaped a total of twenty three times,” he said said slowly, “If the security guards or the cameras peppered literally everywhere where you can’t see them, the authorities outside will.”


"Why would you let the authorities catch you? If you knew you could get out, I doubt you would be that careless." She replied.


“Let the authorities catch me? *Let? Sweetie, every single criminal in this city hates me. Ever. Single. Gang. I hardly call that ‘let’.”


"That sounds like your problem, getting on the bad side of everyone. I'm not that surprised though." North sighed. "You're not that pleasant to be around."
Tyler held back a laugh, covering his mouth with his hand and glancing between them.


Just as she was about to reply, the nurse came back and rested a hand on her shoulder. North's glare suddenly evaporated and was replaced with a shy, nervous look. "Sorry about that darling." The nurse smiled, glancing at Lochlin and Tyler.


“Okay then. Come with me sweetie and we’ll get you to your room.” The nurse said, taking North’s hand and helping her up.


North smirked back at Lochlin as the nurse turned the corner. She shook her head a little and turned the corner as well, disappearing down the hall.