forum There are voices in our heads rp (Closed)
Started by @basil_

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(I’ll start, sorry, I went to my sister’s hockey game)

Macha had fallen asleep with earbuds in for the sole reason of having an early alarm that wouldn’t wake Tyler up. Come 7:00am on Valentine’s Day, she was carefully slipping out of bed and down the stairs to the kitchen, where she’d set out baking supplies the past night.


(It’s okay. Sorry it’s really late)

Tyler rolled over about an hour later and sat up quickly, looking around for Macha. He got up, no memory of her leaving. “Macha?” He asked sleepily.


(Np, np

Macha felt a tug at the back of her mind—Tyler was awake. Smiling to herself, she adjusted the flowers in the small vase balanced precariously on top of the tray in her arms and carried it up the stairs, pushing open the bedroom door with her hip.


(Morning! How r u?)

Tyler turned and opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he saw Macha. “Wh-when..oh..Macha..” His face turned pink and he buried his head in his hands, completely flustered.


(Hi sorry, I’ve sort of been avoiding nb lately
I’m good
How’re you?)

“Good morning!~” she sang happily, approaching his bedside and setting the tray down.


(Is everything okay?)
(I'm fine)

"Good morning.." Tyler whimpered, his voice slightly muffled and blushing beyond belief.


(Yeah everything’s fine now
Just lacking motivation, lol)

Macha tugged his hands down from his face, grinning. “How’re you?”


(Okay. Let me know if anything is wrong)

"I.." Tyler grinned, still not meeting her eyes but pulling her close to him. "I'm great. Amazing. How are you?" He murmured.


(I’m okay. How are you?)

“I love it. You have to eat too though.” He said, kissing her again with a smile.



Tyler looked down at her like she was crazy but laughed as well. “You’re so beautiful when you’re happy..” He murmured.


“Well that’s good. I should get you drunk on happiness more often.” He said, kissing her cheek and handing her some food. “Eat, And then I have a surprise for you.”


Tyler moved the tray out of the way and scooped Macha up in his arms. “Let’s go downstairs. I have something to show you.”