“I hate you,” he muttered under his breath, huffing and turning away.
“I hate you,” he muttered under his breath, huffing and turning away.
"Alright then." Tyler replied happily.
“She seemed… creepy, didn’t she? I mean…” He gave a tilt of his head. “She’s ten. And in Greenwood. And can read minds.”
"I mean, yeah I guess. Unless she starts using her ability to hurt others." He frowned a little.
“She’s in a mental hospital, smart one. How do you think she landed here??”
"No..not hurt them. Manipulate them probably, but not hurt them."
“How do you know?” he demanded, throwing his hands into the air.
"She reminds me of my sister." Tyler said, looking up at him.
“Oh god…” he groaned, raising his eyes skywards. “Of course she does.”
"Which means I know for a fact that even if a kid that age had the power to hurt someone else, they wouldn't. My sister's dead by the way. Killed, when she was seven. So don't just roll your eyes and act like your problems are worse than everyone else's, show a little sympathy, or at least try to." Tyler replied angrily.
“Look, I’m sorry about your sister,” Lochlin answered after a brief pause, “But believing that ten year old kids in psychopathic wards are nothing but good is going to get you killed. Be smart. Use your head.”
“I like to try and see the good in people, even if their is none, and not judge them after one conversation.”
“It’s not judging,” he answered, exasperation drenching his tone. “It’s called being smart and not letting yourself get caught off-guard by the other psychopaths in Greenwood.”
“Who says I was caught off-guard?” Tyler asked, raising his eyebrows a little.
“In the future, I mean,” he tried to explain. “She can read your mind. She can probably know everything about you from just one…” Tbe blood drained from his face. “… Glance.”
“And that’s why you make good first impressions. If she does turn, who do you think she’ll go after, me? Or you?”
“Me. But I’d beat her,” he said, sure of himself.
“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. She wouldn’t have to fight if she can read your mind and know what you’re about to do or say.” Tyler pointed out.
Lochlin snorted. “You overestimate me. I’m not one to think in a fight.”
“So you’d beat up a ten year old without thinking?” Tyler asked, his eyebrows raised.
“If she was trying to mind control me? Obviously.” He raised an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t?”
“No I wouldn’t beat up a kid! Jesus, Lochlin.” Tyler shook his head.
“What if the kid was trying to murder you?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“That’s irrelevant. Because the kid isn’t going to kill me, she’s going to kill you.” Tyler replied.
“No, she’s not,” Lochlin said firmly. “Wow, you really had a thing for making friends wth potential murderers, don’t you?”
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