"Rebelling against the government." Aika responded at the same time, staying upside down.
"Whatever. Look, I-" She cut of, groaning. "I need your help. And Ava."
"Rebelling against the government." Aika responded at the same time, staying upside down.
"Whatever. Look, I-" She cut of, groaning. "I need your help. And Ava."
Ava cocked her head to the side and stood up. "What's wrong?" She asked, getting almost center with the camera so that Shockwave could see her better.
Aika blinked, shocked at the admission, and stood, moving to stand next to Ava. Their arms brushed, but she didn't seem to notice.
"There-there's a new villain. He goes by the name Fear, and-" Shockwave swallowed, obviously hating having to ask for help. "I can't defeat him."
Ava was shocked. Shockwave had been able to defeat every villain except for Siren. "A-Are you ok? What kind o-of powers does he have, i-if any? Are you hurt?" Ava asked.
"I'm fine, really." Shockwave insisted. "He does this….thing. If he can get a hand on you, he can draw forth your fears? They play like a vision in your head, bad memories and what you're afraid could happen."
Ava looked at her with a look of concern. "Th-That's not good. I-If this Fear could figure out h-how to do th-that on a mass scale then we may h-have a problem." Ava said.
"That's probably what he's after." Aika mused, slipping away and coming back with an old worn notebook. "Hypothetically, if the fear is transmitted through touch, a victim could transmit it as well. Meaning…" She trailed off, mumbling to herself.
Shockwave made a noise of confusion. "Uh, okay then…look, enemies aside, I need Ava back, and I need your help."
Ava looked over at Akia. Despite warming up to her she still was her prisoner, and Ava doubted she would just let her waltz back to Shockwave.
Aika looked up from her mutterings, looking at Ava. She studied Ava for a moment, and a flicker of something passed over her face. "We'll meet you at Sunnyside." She said finally, referring to a cafe in the city.
Shockwave let out a breath of relief. "Thank you!" She said as the trans mission flickered out.
Ava looked at Akia. "Why Sunnyside?" She asked.
"I like the coffee?" Aika shrugged, closing her notebook. "And we used to meet there. I like seeing just how obvious I can be without her noticing. It's fun."
Ava laughed at that. Blair was quite oblivious to things. Ava had no idea how she would of defeated villains with out her. Blair was the brawn's and Ava was the brains. Ava threw on her white lab coat. "Ready when y-you are!" Ava said.
"Give me two minutes." Aika said, slipping off towards her bedroom.
Ava waited.
Aika came back with three additions, a leather jacket, a helmet, and a duffel bag. "You ever ridden a motorcycle?"
"Umm…No." She said truthfully. She had been offered before but she had always declined.
Aika handed her the helmet, grinning. "Well, it's happening today."
Ava took the helmet and put it on. "Well alright!" Ava said, tightening the helmet.
"Come on then, we don't want to be late." Aika said sarcastically, well aware that she was always late to everything, even big fights. She led the way down the hall, to a normal looking door. "Don't be alarmed, it's just a precaution." She said, before the visor in the motorcycle helmet suddenly went pitch black.
(Is Ava still awake or did the helmet just make sure she couldn't see anything?)
((Can't see. Sorry, that mighta been confusing.))
"Oh! A-Alright." Ava said, outstretching her hands to makes sure she didn't run into anything.
Aika watched her a moment before snorting, grabbing one of Ava's hands with her own. "Here. I'll lead you out." She didn't wait for a response before opening the door.
Ava let herself be dragged. She had no idea which way was which or anything.
"Okay, here." Aika snapped, and the visor cleared. They were in a normal garage, with exactly three vehicles inside it. A Harley, a jeep, and some sort of van.
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