Arquis was panicked. He hadn't had the time to change out of the clothes he'd worn to sleep, though in the time it took for Rin to get dressed he'd managed to slip on fresh gloves. They looked quite out of place with the rest of his disheveled outfit. He felt himself blush as Elsie stepped into the room and gave him a once over. For many years, clothes had been his mask; he'd dressed in expensive suits to balls, flaunting his wealth and masculinity in a way that was expected of a young nobleman. To be dressed so plainly for a first introduction was to be very vulnerable. He didn't know if he should try to combat that effect by straightening up. Part of him worried it'd just make him look even more ridiculous. He decided on moving to sit on the edge of the bed.
"I'm sorry for waking you up. My colleague must not have told you when I was coming. I suppose he couldn't have known, but, well, the point stands."
"Um. Yes. Thank you." Arquis cleared his throat and desperately tried to pat down his hair. It didn't really work. A lot of it was still in disarray. He combed through it with his fingers, only pausing when he remembered why they'd called a doctor out in the first place. Some of his hair came off in his hand when he lifted it away.
Elsie saw what had happened. She walked over, took the chair from the desk, and centered it in front of the bed. Then, she set her briefcase down beside it and sat. Her legs folded one over the other. She glanced at Rin before speaking.
"Sorry, I usually ask any family or partners of my patient to leave during their sessions."
Honey grinned at the compliment. For a moment, he considered turning it around, but then he noticed that Ari was shifting around. He wondered if he was uncomfortable; maybe he was just hot from all the blankets. Or maybe Honey was crushing him a little. That could also be the case.
"Oh, sorry, am I squishing you?" he asked. The question was legitimate, but he was still smiling as he said it. He flopped off of Ari onto his back and spread out like a starfish. "There we go. That any better?"