Arquis shook his head, missing the glance that Ari and Rin had shared. "Absolutely not. The High Court would not be interested in my poisoning. That would be a local issue only."
"What if it wasn't for that?" The nobleman raised a brow at Honey, inviting him to continue. "I mean, what if your mother just, like, lied about something? One of those things you said, maybe. Burning down a bunch of houses or whatever. If she said that, then they'd be interested, yeah?"
"She would not do such a thing. She is not reckless. Her decisions are cold. Calculated. She never makes a move unless she is certain that it will lead to success." He sat down on the edge of the bed again. His back was to the rest of them. "She does not have any witnesses or solid, noncircumstantial evidence for any of the crimes I listed. Therefore, she would lose, and she would not foolishly put her life on the line like that.”