forum The Stranger in the City. (Romance/Crime) (One on One) (Closed, Stalkers Enabled)
Started by @Desvelarse pets

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@Desvelarse pets

Voice in her head? Oh god.. she was a schizophrenic like Vaughn. Now this really wasn’t good. He considered himself stable, but she didn’t seem stable.


Did you take your meds? "Yes I took my medication, Jace. I'm not completely insane." All of it? "Two for anxiety, two antidepressants, one for schizophrenia, and one for insanity. Yes I took all of it." Good.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn glared at her shortly before leaving. Once in the living room, he sat down on the couch and stretched out. “And she thought I was the psycho,” he mumbled.

@Desvelarse pets

Vaughn shifted a bit to get more comfortable. He did his best to go completely asleep, but he was such a light sleeper that he knew he would wake soon enough.


She gently grabbed the knife off her desk and silently entered the living room. Such clear skin. Such a shame it'll be dyed red. There's the crazy sister I know and love. She smirked to herself, padding closer.