forum The Sailor and The Mermaid.
Started by @Shadow_Knight group

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@Shadow_Knight group

Captain Robert shook his head. "Do you know how much money we could make off of this guy? We have just caught the first mermaid, for all we know, ever! Bring him aboard!" He shouted. Some men untied the ropes and brought the net above the wooden deck. They started to lower it. Chesh glared at Robert. They had caught the first mermaid and he immediately starts to think about money. It's a sentient creature! Not some animal!

(BTW My computer is acting weird so if I go offline for a while my computer may be broke.)


(Okay, got it)

Arria's heart dropped to his stomach as the net lowered onto the deck. Everything he'd ever been told about humans was real. Greedy, selfish and arrogant. He hit the wood with a small bump, causing him to fall backwards just slightly and he immediately went to try and get out of the ropes.

@Shadow_Knight group

The crew began to unwrap Arria from the net. Chesh watched, refusing to help them. She hated this. Seeing him so helpless. Two men grabbed on to Arria's arm so he couldn't go anywhere. "Where are we going to put him?" One of the crew members asked.


"Back in the gods damned ocean would be nice!" He snapped without really meaning too. His tail felt too heavy and too dry. He tried to struggle against the men, but being out of water was starting to take it's toll.

@Shadow_Knight group

"You can put him where we store the fish." Robert said. They stored the fish basically a pool that they could store still live fish in till they got back to the harbor. It would open up to the ocean but they usually had the fish in a net. "But get something to make sure he doesn't swim off."


"Unless there's a massive tunnel in where ever you're keeping me that leads to the ocean, I can assure you, captain, I'm not going anyway." Arria glared at Robert, his hands tightening into fists as he tried in one last futile attempt to get away.

@Shadow_Knight group

The Captain didn't say anything. He just waved off the crew members and started to walk back to his cabin. They started to drag Arria below decks.

(Sorry for the short reply and the wait. I had speech competition.)


(All good)

Arria's tail snagged on a few loose nails as he was dragged further and further into the dimly lit rooms beneath deck. He was used to darkness, but didn't like this. His scales stung and he was sure there was blood on the deck from where his tail dragged.

@Shadow_Knight group

(My computer is definitely broken so I may be having to post from my phone. My posts will be slightly shorter and may have some grammar issues.)

None of the crew except for Chesh seemed to realize that Arria's tail was bleeding. She covered her mouth when she saw the blood. She quickly ran off to grab some bandages from her room. Meanwhile, the men dragged Arria into the fish storage room. "What are we going to use to keep him here?" One of the men asked. The men thought.


(That’s fine. I’m on my phone currently but it’s all good)

Arria rolled his eyes a little, “Drop me off and tie me up in a corner,” He muttered sarcastically, “Are you all idiots?”

@Shadow_Knight group


One of the men slapped Arria. "You don't have a say in this!" He spat. One of the men had ran off. He returned with a color and rope. He forced the collar on Arria and tied him to a peg on the wall. He promptly kicked Arria into the water. Meanwhile Chesh was frantically looking around her room for her medical supplies. She had found the badges but she couldn't find any achohol. She knew if she didn't clean the wounds they could get infected.


Arria’s cheek stung from the slap and he hissed once he was pushed into the water from the cuts on his tail. He glared at the two men, but opted to stay quiet this time.

@Shadow_Knight group

The men left leaving Arria alone. Chesh found some achohol but there was barely any. She started walking to the fish storage. She passed the men as they walked out of the room. They seemed slightly angry. She gave them a look of confusion but they just gave her a look that said 'Mind your own businesses'. She sighed and walked into the room. How would the merman act? Would he be mad at her? Scared?


Arria looked up just a little when Chesh entered the room, “Come to hit me too?” He muttered, clearly not noticing the bandages and alcohol in her hands as he looked back down again.

@Shadow_Knight group

Chesh froze at those words. Had they hit him? "I-I didn't come here to hurt you." She said as she sat down by the water. Would he trust her to let her help him?


Arria nodded, moving closer as far as he could with the collar and rope, with a small wince. There was a fairly large sized gash in the lower end of his tail and a small one higher up.

@Shadow_Knight group

Chesh frowned when she saw the cuts. She then mentally smacked her self, realizing that she hadn't brought anything to aply the achohol with. She grabbed part of the sleeve of her shirt and began to tear it off. Once she had gotten a good price of cloth she began to soak it with achohol.


Arria's eyes widened a little when she ripped her shirt, wondering why she was helping him in the first place. His curiosity got the better of him and he asked, "Why are you helping me? Why did you defend me before, too?" He winced and almost flinched away when the alcohol hit.

@Shadow_Knight group

Chesh looked at him. "I don't know." She said softly. "Some humans are really bad. They lie, cheat, even murder. But not all humans are like that. Some can be nice and helpful." She explained.