"What happened?" the Mouthpiece questioned, looking at the king carefully. The gods were less worried now, seeing as how Sam was alright, but they were still curious.
"What happened?" the Mouthpiece questioned, looking at the king carefully. The gods were less worried now, seeing as how Sam was alright, but they were still curious.
"Nothing the gods need to know about." Sam replied shortly, glancing at the Mouthpiece. "And nothing you need to know either."
The Mouthpiece blinked at that. "Ah. Alright." he was not quite sure how to reply to that. The gods were a little bit taken aback at that as well.
Sam finished straightening out his clothes and looked at the Mouthpiece. "Did the man try to talk to you at all?'
"A little bit." the Mouthpiece replied slowly, looking at Sam and cocking his head just a little bit. "Though I did not quite understand what he wanted."
"What did he say?" Sam asked, looking over the Mouthpiece. "Did he ask to talk to the gods?"
"He…said he was like me." The Mouthpiece replied slowly. "But that is not possible. The gods choose only one vessel in a lifetime."
"Yea, he was just trying to kill me, thinking I was just like my father," Sam explained nonchalantly, acting as if this happened everyday.
The Mouthpiece blinked slowly. "…oh." he replied slowly, cocking his head at Sam. "I am sorry."
Sam looked confused. "Are you sorry, or are the gods sorry?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow at the Mouthpiece.
He frowned, looking confused now. "I meant…" he didn't know. "We…" he cocked his head again. "We are sorry that such a mistake was made." he finally decided on.
Sam chuckled softly. "You sure?" He asked, not caring to be formal at all. "And someone probably started a rumor about me."
The Mouthpiece nodded slightly. "We are sure." he replied. "And yes, that is the most likely possibility."
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