Raven sighed faintly. "Uh…do you read a lot?"
Raven sighed faintly. "Uh…do you read a lot?"
“Not “a lot” a lot.” she shrugged. “I like to read but sometimes… it's hard to find time, you know? “
"Yeah, I get that." she replied.
“But, I have to admit that there’s something enjoyable about holding an open book in your hands.” Sophie smiled, miming the action. “And… the smell of the paper… Jade doesn't get it. I mean, she likes to read too but most of her books are digital.”
"Paper books are the best." she agreed, smiling over at Sophie.
“Yes. They are.” Sophie nodded, smiling back. “I even prefer paperback books over hard copies.”
"I prefer hard copies, but I can see why you like paperbacks instead."
Sophie nodded. “And I can understand why you like hard copies. They're very sturdy and not easily damaged.”
"Yeah. They last longer."
Sophie nodded again. “They’re easier to take care of too.”
She hummed for a moment. "That too."
“Yeah.” Sophie chuckled. “I just prefer the feel of the paperbacks. I know it's a bit more work but… I just think it's worth it.” she shrugged.
"Yeah, I totally understand."
Sophie smiled at Raven.
She smiled back.
Sophie blushed a little. “Let’s see… I believe it's my turn.” she said thoughtfully.
"I think so, yes."
“Alright. I don't remember if I already asked this but… Dream job?”
She hummed. "I think you have, and I like my current job."
“Alright.” Sophie laughed. “Fair enough.”
She laughed as well.
“Should… Should we still count that as my question or would you like me to try again?” Sophie asked, still laughing a little.
"Whichever you think is better." she beamed over at Sophie.
Sophie shrugged. “Let’s count it.”
"Mm, fine."
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