"I…am I allowed to?"
"I…am I allowed to?"
“Well, in an actual game or competition… no. But since we're on a date, just playing for fun and it's your first time, I say go for it.” she smiled playfully.
"Alright." she smiled back, and redid the shot as best she could.
“Much better.” she nodded. “You see, it's all about the angles. And where you hit the cue ball.” she explained, moving to find a good shot. “Honestly, I think Jade could be really good at this if she ever got off her soapbox.”
She nodded slightly. "Does she not like pool?"
“Don’t know really. I know she doesn't like it when I hustle pool. She always lectures me about it.” Sophie sighs. “And she can't hold her liquor very well, so she doesn't often want to come to a place like this.”
"Oh, yeah, that makes sense."
“Yeah. I did try once. Ask her out for karaoke night… It was very awkward.” she chuckled, rubbing a little cube of blue chalk on the tip of her stick.
She laughed. "Oh dear."
“Yep.” Sophie nodded. “I mean, I enjoyed myself but Jade… She won't even talk about it.”
She laughed again.
Sophie chuckled lightly as she leaned over to take her next shot, hitting the cue ball to knock one ball into another and that one in one of the pockets.
She watched, smiling.
“Whew. I love when I can make a shot like that.” she smirked.
She rolled her eyes, laughing. "Of course."
She raised a brow at her teasing but just shrugged.
She smiled over at Sophie. "My turn?"
"Yep." she nodded. "Go ahead."
She nodded, shifting to take her shot.
“You actually picked this up pretty fast.”
She smiled a little. "Thanks."
She smiled back and nodded. “I mean it. You got a good eye for this.”
"Well, I had a good teacher." she replied with a laugh.
“Flatterer.” Sophie winked back.
She laughed again, straightening up.
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