Kyle pouted a little, "I'd argue but know I won't win."
Kyle pouted a little, "I'd argue but know I won't win."
“Yeah you wouldn’t win.” He chuckled rubbing his thumb over Kyle’s knuckle.
Kyle sighed a little, "No fair. Why can't I be the dominant one?"
“Ooh honey you can try. But I still think I’m gonna win.” He smirked slightly.
"Guess I'll just be the sub then…" He muttered.
“You know I’m just joking around right? You can do whatever you want Kyle.” He replied with a shrug.
"I know," Kyle smiled a little, "I like being the sub so it's fine." He nudged him playfully.
“Well good. I wanna make sure you’re happy. Because you know….stuff like that is important.” He replied actually feeling super awkward for once.
He giggled, "Finally, my turn to make you feel awkward and flustered."
“Oh hush” he mumbled, even as he felt a blush creep up his cheeks.
"Nope, you're blushing Mister and I'm never gonna let you live it down." He put his hand over his mouth to stop himself laughing too loud.
He just smiled, he’d let him have just this one victory. Just for now. But he was determined to live that down.
Kyle stood up, "Let's go to a club or something, as much as I love relaxing and all partying sounds cool."
“Well okay then mister. Let’s have some fun shall we? You know any good places?”
"Yup," He grinned and held out his hands to pull Caleb up, "Let's go party."
He took the hand that Kyle offered "lead the way" he grinned, for one second exposing a person that was wildly free.
Kyle grinned back and pulled him up, leading the way out of the park and towards his favourite night club. He hadn't visited in a while but he was now very excited to go with Caleb.
This was going to be an interesting night, he could already tell that for certain. He had to admit, when he got up this morning he was not at all expecting to meet anyone of interest. Especially not an interesting guy, and then he met Kyle who's honestly one of the most perfect guys ever.
It wasn't a long walk, maybe ten minutes of Kyle practically bursting with excitement. They took a lift up to the top floor of a quite large building where there was already a line there but, Kyle just took Caleb's hand and took them down the VIP line. One of the perks of knowing the owner.
"Well I'm certainly glad we don't have to stand in that monstrosity of a line."
Kyle smirked, "Perks of knowing the owner." He winked and it wasn't long after that until they were surrounded by flashing lights and drunks.
"You have good taste in places" he said, loud enough to be heard over all the noise
"You have good taste in places" he said, loud enough to be heard over all the noise
Kyle nodded, "I know. Wanna get a drink?" He gestured to the bar.
"God knows I need one." He replied with a grin.
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