forum The Dragon // One on One // Closed
Started by @Fraust

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(No problem)
Kono closed his eyes, his tail flicking. Honestly, this felt sort of… nice, almost.


Kono opened his eyes and cocked his head slightly to the side as though asking why she stopped. He huffed quietly, smoke coming from his nostrils.


Kono shook his head a bit, sighing, but still not pulling away. Eventually, he shifted his head so that Gemini was stroking his actual scales instead of just his horns.


Kono looked up at the sound of her giggling, confused. He'd never heard a sound like that before.


Kono sighed and half shifted, removing Gemini's hand from his head. From the brief time her hand was still there, it was apparent how soft his ginger hair was. "What is the sound you made?"


"I've never heard that sound before. It is different than all the dragon calls I know. Is it a human thing?"


Gemini shrugged. "Don't question my word usage. Humans use words however they want to. Plus, I can't say you're the weirdest dragon I've ever met, you're the only one."


"Alright… I don't recommend meeting other dragons. You may think I'm rude, but the others are far worse."