forum Talk so Pretty but your Heart got Teeth // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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(alright :)

Rowan woke up in the morning still curled on his bed, the blankets wrapped around him. He shifted a little, eyes flickering open as he looked for Emmett. Smoke was lying quietly on the floor now, curled up with his tail resting by his nose.


Emmett was in the kitchen, getting out various ingredient he could insert into the omelettes he planned on making gro himself as well as Rowan. He took a skillet out of one of the various cabinets and set it on the counter.


Rowan hummed, rolling onto his back and stretching out. He figured Emmett was still here; he wouldn't have left without saying goodbye. So he sat up, rubbing his eyes, and wandered into the kitchen. He was in his pajamas still, which just consisted of an old, oversize t-shirt, and a loose pair of pants.


Rowan gave him a soft, sleepy smile. "Good morning." he greeted. He wandered over to Emmett, wrapping his arms around the taller man's waist and leaning against him.


Emmett chuckled lightly, spinning around to give Rowan a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"im making Omelettes" he stated with a small grin. "Are there any special requests to what you would like in yours?" Emmett asked him, turning back around and placing the skillet on the burner he had turned on.


"Okay" Emmett said, carefully cracking an egg into a bowl, then continued to carefully crack another.
He then got out the milk and carefully poured a bit into the bowl and stirred it violently with a fork.