forum Superhero RP [Reboot // Private]
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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Dylan started out towards the new voices, slowly though due to his wounds. He beckoned Kagi to follow, then winced as his arm brushed a wall, irritating his scrapes. He tread more carefully, and called out, "Hang in there, we're coming."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Avery started toward the voices, pressing a hand to her forehead to fight off the splitting headache that was erupting. She groaned a little at the pain but otherwise said nothing. If she did, she feared it would only worsen the pain. At least she could still hear the others well enough to make her way over.


"I see someone!" Kagiso exclaimed, rushing over to Amato. "Are you alright?" she asked when she arrived at his side.
( I would like a chance for Dylan and Avery to get a nice introduction. ship ship ship )


“Who are you? What the hell happened? Why are we in a cave?” Amato immediately began to question, only to hiss when he bumped the cut on his face, flinching just a little


"Agh." Kagiso snapped. "Calm down. We're all out of sorts here." Softly, she pushed a bit of hair away from his face and examined his wound "Firstly, I am Kagi. Secondly, I do not now. And thirdly, yes we are in a cave." There was a decent amount of blood oozing from his wound, so she quickly ripped off a small piece from the bottom of her shirt and pressed it to the wound. "You should probably let me wrap that."


Dylan glanced around while Kagi tended to the guy. Off in the distance, he noticed another figure slowly approaching them, a hand held to their head.

"Kagi, there's another one over here. I'll see to them, ok?" Not waiting for an answer, Dylan started towards them. "Hey, you okay?" he shouted, waving a hand as he approached.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

A figure started toward her, and Avery began to walk faster. He spoke up, and she barely heard his words, so it took her a moment to realize what he had said.

“I’m all right, I suppose. Not dead, so that’s at least comforting. I have a splitting headache, though, and my throat is sore. Any idea of where we are and what’s going on?” she rasped, lifting a hand to her throat and the other in a greeting to the man.


Dylan shrugged in response. "Not a clue," he answered, "I can't really say if anything's going on, either. We're all just… hurting. Speaking of, you look like hell."

Now that he was closer he could make out the girl's features. Strawberry-blond, freckles, and eyes like blazing blue fire, a stark contrast from his quiet sky-blue. She was shorter than him, too. She didn't look as bad as he felt, but she did seem unsteady on her feet. Compared to his screams of scraped away skin, she looked as though her assailant had been a 10 ton hammer straight to the skull.

"I met up with a few others back there," He motioned behind him, "Some girl named Kagi and a guy I don't know yet. You need a hand there?"

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Avery shook her head but immediately coughed up a bit more water. She bit back a pained groan at the feeling in her throat, the pain in her head.

“As long as I don’t move too quickly, I should be fine,” she rasped. “I took in a lot of water… Where are we, do you know?”


Dylan still stayed close to the girl, just in case.

Where are we now? Good question. "A cave of some kind, I think. We caught the flow of the water and pretty much got shoved down here. That crash must have been rough."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Avery hummed, nodding slowly in acknowledgment and agreement. “That would make sense… So there are only four of us? No one has spotted anyone else?”


"Yeah. Hell if I know where the guards are." He turned to her and offered a small smirk, "Not like we wanted to stick around with those guys in the first place. Speaking of us, my name's…"

The cave began to rumble. Lightly, but noticeably enough. Dylan looked around wildly, then shouted down to Kagi, "You guys feeling that?

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Avery stiffened at the feeling. Whatever it was… it didn’t sound good.

“I felt it, too… Any idea what it is?” she murmured, her eyes sweeping the dark cave.


Dylan backed slowly towards Kagi, eyes scanning the cave around him, "Ya know, if I had all these answers, I'd be gone by now…."

In truth, Dylan was horrified. Regardless of what it was, what were 4 kids gonna do about it? If it could cause an entire cave to shake?

"My recommendation: we start running. If this gets any worse and the cave comes down we're done for."


(Remeber, they don't remember anything from before waking up!)
Kagi gripped the new stranger's arm and pulled him towards the others, trying to follow the man who'd helped her.
"I will follow you!" she called.


(Sorry I was gone for so long. I went camping and forgot to make note of it.)

"That's a mistake," Dylan muttered, "I have no idea where to go." Looking around, his eyes rested on the river, which wound it's way back up to a light at the other end of the cave. He pointed, "Head that way. Should be a way out."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

(Oh, no worries, guys! Did you have fun?)

“Or we could follow the river. That has to lead out somewhere, right?” Avery suggested, watching the body of water even as she followed the others. “Unless it just leads to an underground lake, of course. That wouldn’t be helpful…”


Dylan shrugged, "I'd rather go the way that we know leads to salvation."

The rumbling began to pick up, and Dylan began to move, subconsciously taking the girl's hand and moving towards the light. It was getting bad; Dylan tripped over his own feet twice and nearly face planted into the cold stone floor. Still, he was making progress, and the entire time he managed to keep a good hold on the girl.

I'm not getting stuck in here.


(Yeah, it was nice, and the hike in the middle was welcome exercise! Getting back sucked, though. My car needed a jump…)

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Avery blinked at the boy’s hand holding her own. What was he doing? Was he just trying to make sure she didn’t get lost? She could handle herself… Admittedly, it was nice, though. A small comfort in the craziness they had just gone through. Even if she couldn’t remember anything before she woke up in the cave…

“So does anyone know how we got here?” she asked, trying not to stumble when the boy tripped again.


"Run more, talk less, Darlin'!" Dylan replied, the southern slipping from his tongue as he fought to get closer to the light. He realized halfway there that he still had a hold of the girl, and let go. He hadn't intended to be dragging her that long.

The cave was rumbling violently by the time they had reached the light. Whatever the source of the rumbling was, it was closing on them. They were so close! The day sky was shining down on Dylan at the bottom of the hole they were stuck in. "Up!" He shouted, but the words were lost in the sound.