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forum Spies One-On-One (Closed)
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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“Um. It’s a bit of a long story, really…. you know, parents did such and such, kid appears on the radar, Spy City evaluates kid, kid gets taken in by Spy City,” Anya said vaguely. “You?”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Spencer narrowed his eye for a split second, curious about the real story, but he didn't press her for it. Instead, he simply told her his.

He cleared his throat before starting quietly, "When I was seventeen, just a month after my birthday, I got called to the principal's office in the middle of the day. He had me sit down and told me, as kindly as he could, that my parents had just been found dead. No one knew how they died, nor would they tell me anything about it. So, I started investigating it, digging up what answers I could on my own. And that's how the organization found me. They told me that I had a special set of skills that they wanted on their team. I was put through the rigorous course of their testing, which I'm sure you know all about, and they eventually let me join."

@Imperfect_Autumn group

"Yeah, I do," Spencer replied with a ghost of a smile. "They were great. My mom always made sure I was comfortable when I was sick, and my dad took me to all kinds of games and events with him."


“Sounds fun,” Anya said wistfully. “All I remember is…. well, you don’t want to know.” She tried to smile, but it was ghostly. “Shall we review the mission?”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

"Noah Hunter," Spencer filled in. "And we're trying to track down a possible threat that tried to break into the White House; find out who did it, why they did, and how they managed it. Then, we have to stop it from happening again by capturing them or something."


“Or something,” Anya agreed. “I have a few ideas.” She sat back in her seat. “We are going to play a game. I ask you questions, you answer as the person you are undercover as. Remember, details convince everyone.”


“Sure. Always helps to get in character. Ready? How’s your girlfriend doing?” Anya asked, slipping easily into the role of interrogator.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

"She's great! We just celebrated our two-year anniversary last month," Spencer/Noah replied with a smile. "I took her to the beach, and we had a moonlit picnic under the stars."


“Too generic,” Anya said, breaking character. “Think of something that wouldn’t be on the cover of a children’s book. I swear, everyone uses ‘Sarah’ or ‘Bob’. Your girlfriend’s name is…. um… Carlolina. She goes by ‘Lina’. Okay?”