forum Something Waits in the Woods // OxO or Small Group // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Yanna’s smile faltered at the boys’ words. In her heart she knew he would say such a thing, but she’d rejected that excuse long before she got here, long ago when she was given the news that Bellamy was back. She simply couldn’t accept it. It was as fi a switch had been flipped in her mind; her brows furrowed and her eyes darkened, her lips flattening to a thin, pale line.

“That’s not true.” He’s lying. He has to be. Why is he lying?

Yannaleis lifted her chin so that she managed to look down on the boy, even though they were the same height when her heeled boots were brought into account. Her hands came from her sides, folding on her navel, like a bolt being locked into place. There was a reason she was given the nickname Victoriam, when there was something she wanted, she got it.

“It’s impossible that there isn’t a singe thing you remember. Amnesia? But you suffered no head trauma, so it isn’t likely. Even in the case of trauma, one can never truly forget everything.” Her words grew short and crisp. “Are you covering for someone? I’ll have you know that is the most daft thing you could. Lying for any reason in this situation is down right foolish! And selfish!” she paused, noting that her voice was rising. She took a breath, but her ire was still evident. “You need to try harder to remember. There are people depending on you.”


Bellamy drew his shoulders back at her tone, at the rising voice. He usually wasn't argumentative, not anymore, but that didn't mean it was impossible to get him to be more argumentative. "I am not lying." he said. His voice was quiet, but firm. A little shaky, but not badly so. "But I don't remember a thing, and you accusing me of being a liar and telling me what did or did not happen to me will not suddenly, magically make me remember." he took a single step closer to her. He had been part of the debate team, before. Wasn't now. None of the other students wanted to work with him anymore, and he understood that. Didn't particularly mind, either. He preferred time alone now. "That's not how memories work. I'm so glad you somehow know everything about what happened, enough so as to tell me I didn't suffer any head trauma. Fascinatingly, that's more than I knew, so maybe you're the one lying." he knew quite well she wasn't lying but he was so sick of people constantly questioning him, patronizing him, and shouting at him. So tired of everyone whispering behind his back. So his words came out razor sharp and cutting, his own chin lifting and his shoulders angling back.

"Before you say anything more, I am aware your side focus is medicine. That does not make you an expert in medical anything, especially when my medical records are sealed and you should have no way of knowing what's on them." he had requested they be sealed, and the school had complied. After what had happened…well, the scarring on his body wasn't something that should be public knowledge. Along with a few other…anomalies. "So unless what you're saying is that you illegally accessed my medical files in order to snoop around and hurl baseless accusations at me, I shall thank you for never again telling me what may or may not have happened. If I want your opinion on the matter, I shall ask."


Madeline smiled kindly as she walked up, gently placing a hand on Yannaleis's shoulder. "Hello." She said politely, giving a slight nod. "I'm terribly sorry about my friend, she can be quite intense." She squeezed Yannaleis's shoulder a little bit, trying to signal for her to slow down, cool of a little. "She is easily impassioned, I'm sure she didn't intend to make you uncomfortable."


"I would never do anything of the sort!" Yanna exclaimed. Her hands gripped one another at her navel and she grew tense. How selfish could he be?! Yannaleis gave an aggravated huh as she looked away from him, not wanting him to see the glossiness of her eyes. She was so tired and so lost without her sister. And the fear of being taken as well was one she constantly fought, especially at night when the shadows seemed darker which each sunset. He was the only lead she had, he was her only hope in remaining sane. She couldn't lose this, she couldn't.

Clearing her throat, Yannaleis fixed a fiery look on him. "I was merely reminding you of what's at stake. None of the other's were lucky enough to be returned like you were. And I'll have you know that we did everything we could to find you. And I assumed that you would return the favor and do your uttermost to help. Be I see you'd rather hide… as if that'll make things better. It won't, and you-" Yannaleis froze as a hand gripped her shoulder.

The sound of Madeline's voice filled her with instant relief and embarrassment. She said nothing as her friend interjected, taking over the conversation gracefully despite Yanna's less then appropriate manners.


Bel's eyes flicked to Madeline, then back to Yanna. "Well, thank you for the reminder." his voice was sharp, his words sarcastic. "I am not hiding, and I fail to see how I can possibly return the favor, when I remember nothing." he remembered nothing. He hated it and yes, he wished he could help, but he certainly wasn't going to say so, not when she had come in here and attacked him as she had done. He certainly wasn't going to volunteer anything, either. If she wanted information, she could try to drag it out of him, like pulling teeth.